bijoux[bi:'ʒu:]n. (法)精巧飾物;珠寶首飾(bijou的複數)
BIJOUX 米蘭國際服飾珠寶展;珠寶;飾品系列;
1.The eatable Bijoux Chocolat includes necklace, bracelet and ring, which is to be shared between one and his/her loved one. 可供食用的巧克力系列有項鍊、手環和戒指,供伴侶間浪漫分享之用;
2.This product group includes products from the world-renowned Bijoux Terner Collection which includes fashion jewelry, watches, purses and pashmina scarves. 圍巾和披肩,皮夾,錢包和卡夾,服裝和時裝珠寶。
3.When Jack is telling Rose about the lady he drew that sat at the bar wearing every piece of jewelry she owned, Jack said that they nicknamed her Madame Bijoux. 當Jack對Rose說他曾在酒吧給一個把自己的所有珠寶全都戴在身上的女士畫像時,他說這個女人的暱稱是Bijoux。