airmassn. 氣團
airmass 氣團 大氣質量;airmass thunderstorm 氣團雷雨;Siberian airmass 西伯利亞氣團;airmass flow 氣團流;subpolar airmass 副極地氣團;
1.With or without the presence of the mei-yu front, the eclipse path is embedded in a humid and unstable airmass from India to the Cook Islands. 無論梅雨鋒是否出現,日食路徑上從印度到庫克群島都被潮濕的不穩定氣團籠罩。
2.With only one radar, this measure is not very informative, but the researchers' method uses four, pointing in different directions through the same airmass. 如果只使用一台雷達,這個尺度的提供的信息不會太多,但是研究者的想法是使用四台從不同方向指向同一氣團的雷達。
3.With only one radar, this measure is not very informative, but the researchers' method uses four, pointing in different directions through the same airmass. 只用一個雷達測量獲得的結果不會很多,因此研究者採取使用四個雷達,從不同的方向探測同一氣團的方法來測量。