fireboltn. 火弩箭;霹靂
Firebolt 火弩箭;霹靂;火彈;火閃電 頂級的飛天掃帚型號。完全符合空氣力學的完美標準,有著極致順暢的行進律動、卓越非凡的瞬間加速,和精準無比的轉彎角度,並附上一個無法破解的煞車符咒。;Improved Firebolt 強化火焰箭;Accio Firebolt 火弩箭飛來;Firebolt of Tallon 塔倫火箭;firebolt thunderbolt thunderclap 霹靂;
1.Ruin: This talent now also increases the critical strike damage bonus of the imp's Firebolt spell by 100%. 毀滅:此天賦現在同樣增加你的小鬼火球術的暴擊傷害加成100%。
2.Improved Lash of Pain (Destruction) and Improved Firebolt (Destruction) have been merged into one talent, Demonic Power. 強化痛苦鞭笞以及強化小鬼合併,更名為惡魔之力。
3.Maybe this could be rolled into Improved Imp. Say increase the cast time of your Imp's Firebolt by 1 sec, but he is able to cast while Phase Shifted. 也許這是一個可行的小鬼改良的方法。可以增加1秒的火球施法時間,但是允許它在相位變換時攻擊。