n. composition ,newspaper ,newspaper publisher ,reportv. wallpaper
Paper['peipə]n. 紙;論文;文件;報紙adj. 紙做的vt. 用紙糊;用紙包裝vi. 貼糊牆紙;[美俚]發交通違章傳票
paper 文件;紙,紙幣,票據,論文;票據;紙,報紙,文件,證件,論文,考卷;paper towel 紙巾;廚用紙巾;毛巾紙:;釋義:擦手紙,擦臉紙,紙巾;popular paper 大眾報紙;通俗報紙;民眾報紙;大眾人報紙;trade paper 商界報紙;專業性報紙;商業票據;部門刊物;vernacular paper 本國文報紙;白話報紙;本國報紙;本國文報紙 英語學習網;
1.We papered the room (in) yellow. 我們用黃色牆紙裱糊房間。
2.Yes, people want wood, paper and land. 是的,人們需要木材、紙和土地。
3.The paper will be published for teenagers. 這份報紙將為青少年而出版。
Which part of the paper do you read first? - 你會先看報紙的哪一部分?
We're out of toilet paper again. Let's buy some more rolls. - 咱們又沒衛生紙了。再多買幾卷吧。
My paper work will wait. - 文書工作可以緩一緩。
That's why I'm reading my paper and having my coffee - 這就是今天早上為什麼我看報紙喝咖啡
The editorial in this paper has my friend Nat Baker real upset. - 這張報紙上的社論著實令我的朋友Nat Baker不高興。
I see you are qualified, and have a piece of paper to prove it, but how you perform is the only thing this company is interested in. - 我知道你能勝任並有學歷證書,但這間公司更注重是的你的工作能力。
Parents usually put a small red paper packet under their child's pillow. - 父母常常會在孩子枕頭下放一個小紅包。
Please turn in your paper before leaving. - 請在離開前將論文交上。
There was much news in the morning paper today. - 今天的晨報上有許多新聞。
The computer technician reads the paper tape. - 電腦的技術人員在解讀紙帶。
Next week I must start my term paper for Poli Sci. - 到下周,我必須著手寫政治學的期末論文了。
Your history paper is due. - 你的歷史課作業該繳了。
The history paper was really easy, so was the biology one. - 歷史試題確實容易,生物試題也很容易。
If you want a paper cup, look inside the drawer. - 如果你要紙杯,就在抽屜裡面。
Last year, we were travelling across the Channel and Jane put a piece of paper with her name and address on it into a bottle. - 去年,當我們橫渡英吉利海峽時,簡把寫有她姓名和住址的一張紙條裝進了一隻瓶子,
'At ten to eight.I bought a paper and waited for the train.' - 「7點50分。我買了張報紙,等著車來。」
The noble stared at the blank sheet of paper for a few seconds. - 貴族盯著紙看了幾秒鐘,
And he promptly handed the sheet of paper to the gaoler. - 說完,他一下子把信遞給獄卒。
Acting on a sudden impulse, I collected several dozen, put them in a paper bag, and took them to Robert. - 我一時衝動,逮了幾十隻,裝進一隻紙袋裡,帶著去找羅伯特。
they had escaped from the paper bag and had taken complete possession of the hall! - 它們從紙袋裡逃了出來,爬得滿廳都是!
It is a harmless bait, but it litters up her desk to such an extent that every time she opens it, loose bits of paper fall out in every direction. - 這種習慣無害,只把寫字檯裡堆得滿滿當當,以致每次打開抽屜總能帶出許多紙片四處飛揚。
She felt inhere handbag for the piece of paper on which her father had written down al the details of the journey and gave it to the porter. - 她從錢包裡摸出一張紙條,那上面有她父親對這次旅行詳細說明,她把這張紙條交給了搬運工。
He agreed that a train did come into the station at the time on the paper and that it did stop, but only to take on mail, not passengers. - 搬運工說,正如紙條所說,確有一趟火車在那個時刻到站,但它只停站裝郵件,不載旅客。
While I write my pen moves, but the paper keeps still. - 我寫字時,筆是移動的,紙是靜止的。
With practice, no doubt, I could in time learn to write by holding the pen still while the paper moved. - 毫無疑問,經過練習,我最終能夠學會筆不動而紙動來寫字。
But when table, penholder and paper are all moving, how is it possible to write legibly? - 可是,當桌子、夾筆裝置、紙都在移動時,怎麼能書寫得清楚呢?
Imagine a pen attached to the weight in such a way that its point rests upon a piece of paper on the floor. - 假定把一支筆拴在重物上,筆尖落在地板上的一張紙上,
But as the paper moved from side to side under the pen point, - 由於紙在筆尖下來回運動,
but the paper was wrapped round a drum which rotated slowly. - 根但是紙是卷在慢慢旋轉的圓筒上的。
They put the food in paper bags, and take it home, or to their work place. - 人們把這些食品裝進紙袋,然後帶回家或工作地點。
Oh good! But where are the paper bags? - 太好了。不過紙袋在哪兒?
But I think it's much nicer in a paper bag,in the open air! - 不過我想把它放在紙袋裡,在露天吃更好!
After they carved the characters on rocks, they put a piece of wet paper on top of the characters and beat it lightly. - 他們把字刻在石塊上後,再把一張潮濕的紙放在字的上面,並輕輕地拍打。
The characters on the paper were white, and the rest of the paper was black. - 紙上的漢字呈白色,其餘部分成黑色。
After that they pressed a piece of paper on top, and printed a whole page of a book. - 然後,再把一張紙壓在上面,就印出了一整頁書。
When you place a sheet of paper in a fax machine, the machine reads the writing on the page and changes the shapes of letters into electronic signals. - 當你把一張紙放進傳真機裡,機器就會"讀"紙上的字跡,把字的形狀變為電子符號。
ascending paper partition chromatography - 上行紙分配色譜法
ascending paper chromatography - 上行紙層析法
descending paper chromatography - 下行紙色譜法
two dimensionalpaperchromoatography; two-dimensional paper chromoatography - 雙向紙層析
two dimensionalpaperchromoatography; two-dimensional paper chromoatography - 雙向紙色譜法
articulating paper pliers - 咬合紙夾
cirvular paper chromatography - 圓型紙色譜法
converging paper chromato-graphy; convergingpaperchromato graphy; convergingpaperchromatography - 圓錐形紙層析
converging paper chromato-graphy; convergingpaperchromato graphy; convergingpaperchromatography - 圓錐形紙色譜
multi-buffered paper chromatography - 多次緩衝化紙色譜法
filter paper for qualitative analysis - 定性分析濾紙
quantitative paper chroma-tography - 定量紙色譜法
recording paper of electrocardiogram - 心電圖記錄
polishing paper disk - 拋光紙片
paper strip chromatography - 條形色譜法
horizontal filter paper chromatography - 水平濾紙色譜法
impregnated paper chromatography - 浸漬紙色譜法
filter paper analysis - 濾紙分析
filter paper microscopic test - 濾紙顯微鏡試驗
filter paper method - 濾紙法
filter paper box - 濾紙箱
filter paper holder - 濾紙採樣夾
electrophoresis paper strip - 電泳紙帶
salting out paper chromatography; salting-out paper chroma-tography - 鹽析紙色譜法
sand paper disk - 砂紙片
sand paper cone - 砂紙錐
ion exchange paper chromatography - 離子交換紙色譜法
punched paper tape - 穿孔紙帶
lamina papyracea; paper plate - 篩骨紙板
paper electrophoresis; paperelectrophoresis - 紙上電泳
paper electrophoresis apparatus - 紙上電泳儀
paper chromatoelectrophoresis - 紙上色譜電泳法
paper electrophoresis of serum protein - 紙上蛋白電泳法
paper condenser - 紙介電容器
paper partition chromatography; papyrography; partography - 紙分配色譜法
paper adsorption chromatography - 紙吸附色譜法
fixation with paper pad - 紙墊固定
n. paper gage - 紙基應變儀
n. paper gage - 紙基應變計
paper pile; paperpile - 紙堆
paper chromatography - 紙層析
paper chromatography - 紙層析法
paper tape - 紙帶
paper constant - 紙常數
lamina papyracea; paper plate - 紙板
polishing paper disk - 紙片拋光
paper strip method - 紙片法
paper electrophoresis; paperelectrophoresis - 紙電泳
paper chromatoelectrophoresis - 紙電泳層析
paper electrophoresis; paperelectrophoresis - 紙電泳法
n.砂紙 - abrasive paper
n.吸收紙 - absorption paper
n.紫珠草素試紙 - alkanin test paper
n.介體試紙 - amboceptor paper
n.醋酸苯胺試紙 - aniline acetate paper
n.抗原試紙 - antigen paper
n.無灰濾紙 - ashless filter paper
n.咬合紙 - articulating paper
n.咬合紙夾 - articulating paper pliers
n.上行紙層析法 - ascending paper chromatography
n.上行紙分配色譜法 - ascending paper partition chromatography
n.氣喘紙 - asthma paper
n.吸水紙,吸涎紙 - bibulous paper
n.藍石蕊試紙 - blue litmus paper
n.圖紙 - chart paper
n.圓型紙色譜法 - cirvular paper chromatography
n.氰高鈷酸鹽試紙,氰化高鈷試紙 - cobalticyanide paper
濾低采血法 - collection of blood by filter paper
n.色紙 - colored paper
n.補體紙 - complement paper
n.剛果紅試紙 - congo red test paper
n.圓錐形紙層析,圓錐形紙色譜 - converging paper chromato-graphy
n.大麗菊紫試紙 - dahlia paper
n.大麗菊紫試紙 - dahlia violet paper
n.下行紙色譜法 - descending paper chromatography
n.點滴反應紙 - drop reaction paper
藥物包裝紙 - drug packing paper
n.電泳紙帶 - electrophoresis paper strip
n.心電圖紙 - electrocardiograph paper
n.腦電圖紙 - electroencephalograph paper
剛砂紙 - emery paper
n.高流速紙 - fast flow rate paper
n.脫脂濾紙 - fat-free filter paper
n.濾紙 - filter paper
n.濾紙分析 - filter paper analysis
n.濾紙箱 - filter paper box
n.色層分析儀用紙 - filter paper for chromatography
n.定性分析濾紙 - filter paper for qualitative analysis
n.濾紙採樣夾 - filter paper holder
n.濾紙法 - filter paper method
n.濾紙顯微鏡試驗 - filter paper microscopic test
n.紙上過濾 - filtration on paper
n.螢光素試紙 - fluorescein paper
n.紙墊固定 - fixation with paper pad
n.捕繩紙 - fly paper
n.玻璃纖維紙 - glass fiber paper
n.隱血反應試紙 - haemo paper
n.高電壓紙電泳 - high-voltage paper electrophoresis
n.水平濾紙色譜法 - horizontal filter paper chromatography
n.氫離子試紙 - hydrogen ion test paper