a. deplorable ,distressing ,lamentable ,pitiful
a. glad
sad[sæd]adj. 難過的;悲哀的,令人悲痛的;淒慘的,陰鬱的(形容顏色)
SAD Seasonal Affective Disorder;憂愁;社交迴避及苦惱量表;季節性情感障礙;sad news 餐廳的帳單;(令人悲傷的消息)(酒店等的)帳單;(酒店的)賬單;令人悲傷的消息;Sad Theme 寄放在那兒的痛苦;悲傷的再見;Sad music 傷心的音樂;傷心購樂學的音樂;傷感音樂;Sad Movies 悲傷的電影;傷感電影;傷感的電影;悲劇電影;
1.True. But Brian's ad made me laugh. He is such a funny guy, and humor is very important to me. 是的,但是布萊恩的回答使我大笑,他是一個非常有趣的人,幽默是非常重要的對我來說。
2.Google's ad quality score update mechanism, the user can search at the same time to judge the quality of the ads. 谷歌此次更新廣告質量評分機制,可以在用戶搜索的同時對廣告質量做出評判。
3.The acrimony has escalated as a three-year decline in the print medium's ad revenue accelerated during the past year. 在印刷媒體廣告收入連續三年下跌,特別是去年更加嚴重,出版商的抱怨也隨著升級。
When I watch sad movies I get really depressed. - 當我看悲傷的電影時,我常常很難過。
You're in sad condition. - 你的健康很成問題。
I'm so sad to see this little dog without her family. - 看到這隻狗沒有家 我真難過。
I was very sad indeed to hear about it. - 聽了這件事,我的確非常難過。
It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock. - 母雞司晨家不興。
The sad truth is that most of us have been brought up to eat certain foods and we stick to them all our lives. - 不無遺憾的是, 我們中的大部分人,生來就只吃某幾種食品,而且一輩子都這樣。
Only a little. Goodbye Bassanio. Don't be sad for me. - 我只想說一點。巴薩尼奧,永別了。不要為我悲傷。
After speaking for about half an hour he came to a sad part of the family history. - 大約談了半個小時之後,他談到了家族史中的一件傷心事。
On the other hand, I felt sad that I wasn't able to tell my grandparents that we were safe. - 另一方面,我為不能告訴我的祖父母我們十分安全而感到難過。