a. consecutive ,sequent ,serial ,successive
sequential[si'kwenʃəl]adj. 連續的;相繼的;有順序的
sequential 順序的;相繼的;連續的;順序;Sequential analysis 貫序分析;序列分析;序貫分析;逐項分析;sequential focusing 連續聚焦;連續聚焦 sequential transmission 順序傳輸;順傳;保序傳輸;sequential processing 序貫處理;逐次處理;釋義:順序加工;循序處理;
1.A sequential control system performs a set of operations in a prescribed manner. 一個時序控制系統進行一套操作以被規定的方式。
2.The second is where you have to integrate the loop closely with the sequential logic. 第二點是,人們必須將一些控制環與順序邏輯控制更緊密地集成。
3.At one extreme, you can construct a system as a long string of sequential operations, such as we do in a meandering factory assembly line. 一個極端是,你可以把系統構建成一連串的順序操作系統,就像我們使用的曲折的工廠裝配流水線一樣。
synchronous sequential system - 同步時序系統
sequential probability ratio - 序列概率比
sequential decoding - 序列譯碼
sequential analysis - 序貫分析
sequential therapy - 序貫治療
sequential method - 序貫法
sequential design - 序貫設計
a-v sequential pacemaker; atriovenotricular sequential pacemaker - 房室順序型心臟起搏器
sequential control; time schedule control - 時序控制
time sequential analysis - 時間序列分析
sequential oral contraceptive - 連續口服避孕藥
sequential multiple analysis - 連續多種分析
sequential multiple analyzer computer - 連續多種分析計算機
sequential transmission - 順傳
sequential processing - 順序加工
sequential atrioventricular pacing - 順序性房室起搏
n. sequential forming method - 順序成型法
sequential inhibition - 順序抑制
n.房室順序型心臟起搏器 - a-v sequential pacemaker
n.房室順序型心臟起搏器 - atriovenotricular sequential pacemaker
n.同步時序系統 - synchronous sequential system
n.時間序列分析 - time sequential analysis