





n. lashkar-e-taiba ,lashkar-e-tayyiba ,lashkar-e-toiba ,net ballv. allow ,countenance ,get ,lease


v. disallow ,forbid ,keep ,prevent


let[let]vt. 允許,讓;出租;假設;妨礙vi. 出租;被承包n. 障礙;出租屋


let 重發球;出租;觸網球;發球擦網後重發;let off 寬恕,放過;開(槍),放(炮、煙火等)州)放;排放;免除;let alone 更別提,不打擾;更別提;不打擾,不驚動,更別提;不打擾;let alone 更不用說;不干涉;聽其自然;別管,更不用說;let down 放低;失信;出賣;降低;


1.Let him tell you what has happened. 讓他告訴你發生了什麼事情。

2.To let you know we are family. 讓你們知道,我們是一家人唷。

3.Let me try this skirt on alone. 讓我獨自試穿一下這件裙子。


OK. I'll let you get back to your work. - 好,你過去工作吧。

Yes, Mr. Tom. Let me check Miss Xu's schedule. - 好,湯姆先生。讓我查查徐小姐的日程表。

OK, we have let you know as early as possible. - 好的,我們會讓你們盡早知道。

And I'd like to give you a little something to take home. Let me unroll it. - 對了,我有樣小東西想送你,讓我把它打開。

That sounds reasonable. Let me think it over. And I'll call you back to make reservations. - 聽起來價錢還算公道。讓我考慮一下,我會再打電話預定。

Yes, they let me go. Because I did not agree with their business philosophy. - 是的,他們讓我走。因為我不同意他們的經營理念。

Yes, let me try. Oh, it's difficult. Will you show me how to do it? - 好吧,讓我試試吧!哦,真不容易。能教我怎麼用嗎?

Now, let me explain one point to you. - 現在,讓我就這一點進行說明。

Anything particular you want to know? Let me hear about it. - 有什麼特別問題你需要瞭解嗎?說來讓我聽聽。

OK, let me get my wallet and we'll take off. - 好,讓我拿一下錢包,我們就走。

I think it will let up in a little while. - 我想馬上就會停的。

Christmas is coming up. Zhao Ming, let me ask you a question. - 聖誕節快到了,趙明,我問你個問題。

I'm a senior here, so let me know if I can help you with anything. - 我是大四的老生,有什麼能幫忙的儘管說一聲。

I've let my health deteriorate. - 我的健康惡化了。

Hey, let me take your picture! - 嘿!讓我給你拍一張照

Um...Alexandra, let me introduce you. - 噢……Alexandra 讓我來介紹一下。

Your downstairs neighbor let me in. - 樓下的鄰居讓我進來的。

Oh, let me help you with this. - 來, 我幫你放好。

Then in that spirit let each of us give thanks. - 現在本著同樣心意,讓我們開始感恩。

Just let me see the score, Ellen. - 讓我去看看比數 Ellen。

OK, let me think. - 好, 讓我想想。

Will you let me be your friend, Michelle? - 願意讓我成為你的朋友嗎 ,Michelle?

Oh, let her in. - 噢, 讓她進來。

OK. Let me repeat it. - 好吧。讓我重複一遍。

Now, let me have the honor, Lillian. - 現在 ,容我享有這個榮幸 ,Lillian。

Now, let me check them. - 現在 讓我來看一看。

I'll let you off this time. - 這回我放過你。

Turn around, Michelle. Let me see the back of it. - 轉過去一下, Michelle。讓我看看它的背面。

Yeah, yeah. The biggest. When do I have to let you know? - 是的, 是的, 最大的。我什麼時候該給你回音?

Talk it over. Think it over. Let me know by the end of the week. - 好好地談一談。好好地想一想。這個週末以前讓我知道你的決定。

And let Rita Mae do the selling at the boutique. - 而讓Rita Mae在時裝店裡負責銷售。

Don't let me interrupt you. - 別讓我打攪你們。

Don't let us keep you from your math tutoring, Robbie. - 別讓我們妨礙你的數學家教, Robbie。

Don't let it get to you. - 別讓他影響你的情緒。

Live and let live. - 各人有各人的活法。

Don't let it get you down. it will be over with soon. - 別為此煩惱。 事情很快就會過去的。

Thanks for everything, if you ever need a favor in return, just let me know. - 感謝你所做的一切,如果你需要我幫忙的話,儘管開口吧。

Sorry about that, let me know if there's any way I can make it up to you. - 我很抱歉,有什麼能補償的話請告訴我,我會盡力幫忙的。

Sure, I'll let you take my daughter you, but make sure she is back by 10. - 可以,你可以帶我女兒出去,但你要保證十點前把她帶回來。

I can let you go, as long as you can finish this task by the deadline. - 我可讓你走,只要你在最後的限期前完成任務。

If there's anything you need while you're in town, just let me know. - 你在鎮上有什麼需要,就告訴我吧。

If you have any trouble, let me know. - 如果你有任何的麻煩,請告訴我。

I'll have to stand up and let the elderly lady have my seat. - 我得起來把座位讓給這個老婆婆。

Well, let me see. - 哦,讓我想想。

Oh, let me think for a minute. - 哦,讓我想一下。

I just received your letter and I want to let you know my opinion on your plans for the future. - 來信已收到,我想告訴你我對你將來打算的看法。

We should let him face the music. - 我們應該讓他對自己所做的事負責任。

So they are content to let him go to America. - 所以他們滿意地讓他去美國了。

So let us all welcome him to the podium. - 讓我們歡迎瓊斯先生上台演講。

From today, let us begin to work together. - 從今天開始讓我們一起工作吧。


low let radiation - 低LET輻射

low let radiation - 低let輻射

leg rest; let supporter - 擱腳

moderately let off the seven emotins - 適當發洩七情

let out of skin rashes; letting out of skin rashes - 透斑

let out of skin rashes; promote eruption; promoting eruption - 透疹

high let radiation - 高LET輻射

high let radiation - 高let輻射


吸收劑量平均LET - absorbed dose average LET

n.高LET輻射,高let輻射 - high let radiation

n.低LET輻射,低let輻射 - low let radiation

下乳,乳汁排出 - milk let down

n.適當發洩七情 - moderately let off the seven emotins

平均示蹤LET - track average LET


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