





你要找的是不是:William Hartley William Tell Williams Williams filter Williamsoniaceae Willim Williss nerve Williss paracusis


When will she come back? - 她什麼時候會回來?

OK. I will try her back then. - 好的,我到時再試試看。

I see. What time will she come back? - 哦,那她幾點會回來?

That sounds very nice. When will it be? - 聽起來真不錯,什麼時候呢?

Thank you. I will be there on time. - 謝謝你,我會準時到的。

By the way, will we be able to get a refund on this cancellation? - 順便問一下,我們取消後可拿回定金嗎?

I don't know how to solve the problem. Will you help me out? - 我不知道該怎麼解決這個問題。你能幫我嗎?

Well. It will be up immediately. - 好,立即給你送去。

No problem, sir. Someone will bring them to your room shortly. - 沒問題,先生。有人會盡快給你送過去。

OK. There will be a taxi waiting outside in 10 minutes. - 好,10分鐘後會有一部出租車在外面等候。

It will take less than 5 minutes to check out. - 退房最多只需5分鐘。

We will help your children in learning lessons in their free time. - 我們可以幫助您的孩子在他們空閒時學習功課。

Yes. This product will save you a lot of money and time. - 是的。這個產品可為你節省很多的錢和時間。

Sir, this offer will expire this week. - 先生,這次特價這個禮拜就結束了。

Nothing will stay down when I eat. - 我吃下去的東西全吐出來了。

How long will it take for my mail to reach its destination? - 我的信件到達目的地要多久?

How many days will it take for my mail to reach its destination? - 我的信件到達目的地要用幾天?

How much time will it take for my mail to get to where it is going? - 我的信件到達它要去的地方要用多少時間?

How soon will my mail be received by the other end? - 我的信件多快能被對方收到?

Yes, you are through with it. I hope you will enjoy your stay in China. - 是的,檢查完畢。希望您在中國過得愉快。

I have one ten-day tour that is still available. It will depart from New York on Dec. 24. - 我們一個10天的旅行團還有空位,12月24號離開紐約。

OK. But don't delay too long. Or that trip will be all booked. - 好,但不要拖太久,否則會訂滿的。

Roast duck. There will be a slight delay for that. - 烤鴨。那會稍微慢一點。

How much will it cost? - 需要多少錢?

A small one will do. What is your best rate? - 小型車就可以了。你們最優惠的價格是多少?

A small one will suit me. - 小型車對我來說很合適。

How long will you keep the car? - 這車你要用多久?

You will only have to pay another ten cents and a nickle for your child. - 你只需另外再付10美分,而你的孩子只要再付5美分。

When I think something is right, I will stick to that. - 若我認為某件事是對的,我會堅持到底。

I think it will be a mutually beneficial relationship. - 我認為那將是對雙方都有利的關係。

Yes, let me try. Oh, it's difficult. Will you show me how to do it? - 好吧,讓我試試吧!哦,真不容易。能教我怎麼用嗎?

My wife will love this jade necklace. - 我太太一定會非常喜歡這條鑲玉的項鏈。

My friends will get a big kick out of getting these. - 送勞力士,我同事准樂死了!

I'm sure everyone will be very happy with these gifts. - 相信他們一定會喜歡這些禮物的。

These documents will give you some idea of our background. - 這些資料會給您提供一些參考。

If the lease period could be extended, then the terms will be acceptable. - 如果租限能夠延長,我們就能接受這些條件。

No, but I hope you will from now on. - 是的,還沒有。不過我希望從現在起就會有。

When will you be able to deliver? - 您什麼時候可以交貨?

When will the delivery be possible? - 可以在什麼時候交貨?

How long will it take to get some more in from the factory? - 從工廠再運一些貨過來要多久?

Please give me a general view first, will you? - 首先,請給我一個大概的介紹,行嗎?

No. Will you also initial this change on page 2, please? - 不,請你也在第二頁變更處簽姓名的一個字母好嗎?

I hope this will lead to further business between us. - 我希望這次交易將使我們之間的貿易能得到進一步發展。

When will this time draft fall due? - 期票什麼時候到期?

This time draft will fall due at the end of this year. - 這張期票年底到期。

Oh, thanks. I'll be there. Where will it be? - 哦,謝謝,我一定出席。在哪裡舉行。

You'll receive my invitation soon enough, and I will inform you. - 你很快會收到我的請柬,我會通知你的。

Susan, will you marry me? - Susan,你願意嫁給我嗎?

Harry will lift this veil over your head - Harry會掀起面紗

you will be Mrs. Harry Bennett. - 你將成為Harry Bennett太太。


if not restrained excess will bring harm - 亢害承製

will stored in the kidney - 腎藏志

The blood will extravasate from the vessels - 血將溢於脈外


n.意志障礙 - disturbance of will

意志自由 - freedom of will

n.真意 - genuine will

n.亢害承製 - if not restrained excess will bring harm

n.血將溢於脈外 - The blood will extravasate from the vessels


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