admeasurement[æd'meʒəmənt]n. 分配;計量;大小
admeasurement 分配;丈量測量;丈量度量;丈量;tonnage admeasurement 噸位丈量;certificate of admeasurement 噸位證書;admeasurement of vessel 船舶丈量;admeasurement of small ship 小船丈量;
1.The spent fuel element irradiation facilities and admeasurement results are described. 介紹了卸料輻照裝置及其測量結果。
2.We also measured the thickness of every book-cover, with the most accurate admeasurement, and applied to each the most jealous scrutiny of the microscope. 我們還測量了每本書封面的厚度,計算得極為準確,對每一本都用顯微鏡百般挑剔地檢查過。
3.failure to possess or carry on board valid certificates, and/or other Vessel's documentation for the cargo service, including valid Panama and Suez Canal admeasurement certificates; 未持有或未隨船攜帶貨運需要的有效證件及或其他船舶文件,包括有效的巴拿馬和蘇伊士運河丈量證件;