ethnoarchaeology['eθnəu,ɑ:ki'ɔlədʒi]n. 種族文化考古學;文化群落考古學
1.This thesis discusses the different characters and orientations of ethnoarchaeology under different language context and analyzes their intrinsic factors. 中外不同語境下對於民族考古學學科性質與定位的差異。
2.The author points out that ethnoarchology works for archaeology, and different orientations and theoretical interests cause different developing tendency of ethnoarchaeology. 民族考古學是為考古學服務的,不同的考古學學科定位與理論興趣是造成國內外民族考古學發展境遇不同的主要原因。
3.JONATHAN MARK KENOYER is professor of anthropology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where he teaches archaeology, ethnoarchaeology, experimental archaeology and ancient technology. 美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜分校的人類學教授,在該校教授考古學、種族文化考古學、實驗考古學及上古技術。