flash-point 閃點Abel flash-point apparatus 阿貝耳閃點試驗器;flash point-apparatus 閃點測定器;auto tag closed cup flash-point tester 自動標記閉杯閃點測定儀;Coatings and related products--Determination of flash-point--Closed cup equilibrium method 塗料及有關產品閃點測定法 閉口杯平衡法;
1.Flammable solvents at less than 100 degrees Fahrenheit temperatures there will be a flash-point of "." 易燃溶劑在低於100華氏度的溫度下會有一個「閃點」。
2.I suppose it also highlights the fact that the flash-point issues of the sixties were never fully resolved. 我想,這其實也在警示我們那個年代的核心問題時至今日都還沒有得到徹底的解決。
3.The flash point is the lowest solvent can combustion temperature-solvent lower flash point, the more dangerous. 這個閃點是溶劑可以焚燒的最矮溫度——溶劑的閃點越矮,不離越不亂好。