hydramnios 羊水過多;羊膜積水;fetus newborn affected hydramnios 釋義:胎兒或新生兒受羊水過多影響;fetus newborn affected chronic hydramnios 釋義:胎兒或新生兒受慢性羊水過多影響;fetus newborn affected acute hydramnios 釋義:胎兒或新生兒受急性羊水過多影響;
1.Objective:To discuss the relationship between hydramnios and fetus anomaly. 目的探討羊水過多與胎兒畸形的關係。
2.Objective: To discuss the relationship between hydramnios and fetus anomaly. 目的:探討羊水過多與胎兒畸形的關係。
3.Conclusions: The key measure for treatment of hydramnios was early diagnosis of the fetus whether any malformation was existed or not. 結論:早期診斷羊水過多是否存在胎兒畸形是處理母兒疾病及預後的關鍵。