





n. proceedings ,transactions


Minutesn. 分鐘(minute的複數);會議記錄;備忘錄v. 把…記錄在案;為…測定時間(minute的單三形式)


minutes 備忘錄;分鐘;一刻鐘;會議記錄;60 Minutes 60分鐘;60分鐘時事雜誌;60分鐘時事;60分;Five Minutes 五分鐘;等五分鐘;五分鐘啦;88 Minutes 88分鐘;死亡倒數88分鐘; 死亡倒數88分鐘;死亡倒數 88分鐘;Nineteen Minutes 事發的19分鐘;十九分鐘;事發的十九分鐘;19分鐘;


1.I want my disagreement to be minuted, 我要求把我的不同意見記錄下來。

2."Dad, what can I say in five minutes?" Cathy wailed. 「爸爸,五分鐘我能說什麼呀?」凱茜哀號著說。

3.The best method of purifying water is boiling for 10 minutes. 最好的淨化水的辦法就是把水煮沸10分鐘。


It will take less than 5 minutes to check out. - 退房最多只需5分鐘。

I'll need a few minutes to check over my notes again. - 我再需要幾分鐘來核對一下我的筆記。

I lift weights every morning for sixty minutes without stopping. - 每天早晨我舉重六十分鐘,中間還不是沒有休息。

It only takes eight minutes by bicycle to the aerobics class. - 騎自行車去上有氧運動課只需要八分鐘。

Oh, fine, fine. Be here a few minutes early. - 啊, 好, 好。請早幾分鐘到這。

Three minutes to play. - 還剩三分鐘。

One tiny little touchdown, with just three minutes to play. - 一次小小的達陣得分 只剩下三分鐘了。

watch the last three minutes of the game. - 看完那最後三分鐘的球賽。

but it'll take you ten minutes longer. - 但會多花你十分鐘的時間。

He has to drive for twenty minutes to get from his house to his office. - 從他的家到他的辦公室有20分鐘的車程。

Forgive me for being 20 minutes late for our date. - 請原諒我遲到了二十分鐘。

We have thirty minutes to kill. - 我們有三十分鐘空閒時間。

It's ten minutes to four. - 現在差十分四點。

My watch is two minutes fast. - 我的表快了兩分鐘。

There are only two minutes left. - 只剩兩分鐘了。

I was 10 minutes late. - 我遲到了五分鐘。

Let me see. She has 30 minutes Tuesday afternoon. - 讓我查查,她週二下午有30分鐘。

It's a few minutes after two. - 兩點過幾分。

Let's go out to the airport. The plane landed ten minutes ago. - 讓我們去機場。 飛機在10分鐘前降落。

How many more minutes will it take for the train to arrive? - 火車還要多少分鐘就要到達呢?

No. It's only take about five minutes to walk. - 不用。只消走5分鐘左右就到了。

It's only three minutes to eight. - 現在才7點57分。

I'm sorry, sir.That clock's ten minutes slow. - 對不起,先生,那個鐘慢了10分鐘。

Fifteen minutes passed and then, at five to twelve, the clock stopped. - 15分鐘過去了,而就在11點55分時,大鐘停了。

Suddenly someone shouted.'It's two minutes past twelve! The clock has stopped!' - 「已經12點零2分了!那鍾已經停了!」

In a few minutes he returned with my bag and gave it back to me. - 一會兒工夫他拿著我的提包回來了,把它還給了我。

Ten minutes later we walked out of the shop together. - 10分鐘以後,我們一道走出了商店。

It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. - 我用了10分鐘的時間才說服她過會兒再來電話。

He was obviously very nervous and for some minutes stood awkwardly before the microphone. - 他顯然非常緊張,侷促不安地在麥克風前站了好幾分鐘。

A few minutes later, I was able to hurry away with precious chalk marks on my baggage. - 幾分鐘後,我終於被放行,手提劃著寶貴的粉筆記號的行李,匆匆離去。

One hour and seventeen minutes passed and we had not even covered half the distance. - 1小時17分過去了,走了還不到一半路程。

Several minutes later, the dish was again put into operation and one of the water. - 幾分鐘後,盤子被成功地拽出了水面。

The daily exercises lasted only eleven minutes and I proposed to do them early in the morning before anyone had got up. - 早鍛煉一共只有11分鐘,我打算在別人起床之前進行。

The self-discipline required to drag myself out of bed eleven minutes earlier than usual was considerable. - 這就要求我比平時早11分鐘把自己從床上拽起來,這種自我約束是很艱苦的。

Little by little the eleven minutes fell to zero. - 慢慢地從11分鐘減到了零。

She entered the station twenty minutes before the train was due, - 在火車進站20分鐘前她就進了車站。

The second marks the arrival of transverse vibrations which travel more slowly and arrive several minutes after the first. - 然後記錄下的是橫向波的到達,橫向波比縱向波傳播得慢,在縱向波到達幾分鐘後才能到達。

Twenty minutes later. In the hospital, the woman finds her husband. - 20分鐘後,在醫院,老大娘找到了丈夫。

After a few minutes she started to cry again. Listen to me, I said. - 幾分鐘後她又哭了起來。「聽我的呀,」我說。

Yes, I have. I found it in my bag five minutes ago. - 是的,找到了。五分鐘以前在我的書包裡找到的。

Not far. My house is about twenty minutes by bike. - 離的不遠,騎自行車大約20分鐘的路程。

Lily was born ten minutes before me,so she says,I'm older than you! So I must open the present! - 「我比你大!應該由我來拆禮物包!」

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