Sparkly Ballerina 閃耀的芭蕾舞者;Who needs a thousand sparkly flower barrettes 誰會需要一千個帶萊茵石的;Sparkly Mermaid 閃耀的美人魚;
1.He was wearing a wig of black shoulder-length hair, a sparkly silver tank top, a black miniskirt, heels, and fish nets. 他戴著一頂黑色披肩發,上身穿一件閃光的銀色肚臍兜,一條黑色迷你裙,高根鞋,還有面紗網。
2.Guest star Hilary Duff was back on the Gossip Girl set today — this time sporting a much more glamourous look with her sparkly gold and black dress. 希拉裡·達芙重回《緋聞女孩》片場,與上次的休閒裝不同,今次的金色黑色相間裙裝真是高貴華麗。
3.Gardens and fields, sparkly green, decorated the desert landscape like bright emerald necklaces. 一片挨著一片綠得發亮的花園和田園,活像晶亮的綠寶石項鏈點綴著這荒涼的背景。
4.What parent of a toddler girl doesn't have at least one princess dress-up outfit complete with sparkly plastic shoes and a tiara? 對於一個初學走路的小女孩的母親來說,包括可愛的塑膠鞋和冕狀頭飾在內的一整套公主化妝裝備,失少是不會擁有的。
5.He was wearing a wig of black shoulder-length hair, a sparkly silver tank top, a black miniskirt, heels, and fish nets. 他戴著一頂黑色披肩發,上身穿一件閃光的銀色肚臍兜,一條黑色迷你裙,高根鞋,還有面紗網。