tie-time 連接時間;
1.England midfielder Cole squandered a last-minute chance to take the tie into extra-time at Old Trafford on Saturday. 英格蘭中場科爾在週六老特拉福德錯過了最後一分鐘把球隊帶進加時賽的絕佳機會。
2.Milan came so close to taking their Champions League semi-final tie at Barcelona into extra-time and with it the possibility of booking a place in the final. 米蘭在歐洲冠軍聯賽半決賽次回合與巴塞羅那比賽的傷停補時階段幾乎觸到了進軍決賽的門票。
3.This freedom occasionally runs counter to the more rigid deadlines maintained by publishers as they try to produce tie-in books in time for the film's release. 但這種自由時常和發行商嚴格的截止日期相衝突,因為發行商要及時出版搭配圖書好跟電影一起發行。