





restaining the yin with astringents 斂陰 斂陰;intrinsical cultivation triple yin 釋義:內養三陰;hun yin 婚姻;chronic malaria manifested sthenia yin-cold 釋義:牝瘧;nourish yin supplement kidney 釋義:養陰補腎;


1.The original meanings of "Da Yin Xi Sheng" negates the sound of "Wu Yin", the most perfect "Da Yin" of "Tao" is soundless, it needs our experience and comprehension to grasp. 「大音希聲」的原初含義是對有聲之「五音」的否定,最完善最完美的「道」之「大音」是無聲的,需要借助我們內心的體驗和領悟才能把握。

2.The original meanings of "Da Yin Xi Sheng" negates the sound of "Wu Yin", the most perfect "Da Yin" of "Tao" is soundless, it needs our experience and comprehension to grasp. 「大音希聲」的原初含義是對有聲之「五音」的否定,最完善最完美的「道」之「大音」是無聲的,需要借助我們內心的體驗和領悟才能把握。

3.Conclusions: The same pathological and physiological basis of spleen-Yin deficiency and kidney-Yin deficiency are the decreased glycerol phospholipid and increased sphingomyelin. 結論:甘油磷脂減少、神經磷脂增加是脾、腎陰虛證形成的共同病理生理基礎。

4.On the clinical headaches are divided into: yin asthenia yang resist headaches, congestion headache, upward invasion of liver headache, asthenic yin causing excessive pyrexia headache. 在臨床上根據頭痛的西藥鑒定論文性質分為:陰虛陽亢頭痛、瘀血頭痛、肝氣上逆頭痛、陰虛火旺頭痛。

5.After the game, reporters have tried to comment on Yin this game, but smiled Yin guidance straight from the rostrum. 賽後,有記者試圖讓殷鐵生評論一下本場比賽,但是殷指導笑了笑徑直離開了主席台。


first yin or jueyin channel - 一陰

consumption of yin caused by prolonged fever; persistent fever injuring yin essence - 久熱傷陰

the three yin malaria; three-yin malaria - 三陰瘧

diseases of the three yin channels - 三陰病

onvulsion with symptoms of three yin channels - 三陰痙

three yin channels - 三陰經

yin depletion; yin eshaustion - 亡陰

distinguishing yin and yang at first - 先別陰陽

six yin channels - 六陰脈

nourishing yin and stopping bleeding - 養陰止血

nourishing yin to mositen dryness - 養陰潤燥

nourishing yin to clear away the lung-heat - 養陰清肺

syrup for nourishing yin and clesting lung-heat - 養陰清肺糖漿

nourishing yin and supplementing the kidney - 養陰補腎

nourishing yin and relieving superfiies-syndrome - 養陰解表

Kidney Yin TonifyingBolus - 左歸丸

einforcing yin essence; reinforcing yin essence - 強陰

consumption of the heart nutriment; consumption of the yin fluid of the heart; excessive waste of the cardiac nutrition - 心營過耗

The heart-yin is the yin fluid of the heart - 心陰乃是心臟地陰液

deficiency of the heart-yin; deficiency of yin of the heart - 心陰虛

retain yin with urgent application of purgatives; timely purgation to preserve yin - 急下存陰

the Three Yin Channels of the Hand - 手三陰經

astringing yin fluid - 斂陰

invigorating qi and blood and yin and yang; invigorating qi blood - 氣血陰陽兼補

nourishing yin to promote diuresis - 滋陰利水

nouishing yin school; nourishing yin school - 滋陰派

nourishing yin and moisturizing the lung; nourishing yin and noisturizing the lung - 滋陰潤肺

nourishing yin and suppressing hyperactive yang - 滋陰潛陽

nourish yin to calm the wind; nourishing yin to calm the wind - 滋陰熄風

nourishing yin an supplementing blood; nourishing yin and supplementing blood - 滋陰補血

nourishing yin to reduce pathogenic fire - 滋陰降火

consumption of yin caused by febrile disease - 熱病傷陰

damaged yin by pathogenic heat - 熱邪傷陰

nourish yin and diaphoresis - 用滋陰解表法

direct attack on the three yin channels; direct attack or the three yin channels - 直中三陰

accumulation of pathogens in yin channels - 結陰

yin cold in the liver and kidney - 肝腎陰寒

nourishing yin and suppressing the excessive yang - 育陰潛陽

accumulation of yin cold in viscera - 髒結

pulse being tense at both yin and yang loations; pulse being tense at both yin and yang locations - 脈陰陽俱緊

eruption in yin syndrome - 虛斑

yin tonic - 補陰藥

regulation of yin and yang - 調整陰陽

the yin aspect of yang - 陽中之陰

treating yin for the yang disease - 陽病治陰

excess of yin due to yang insufficiency - 陽虛陰盛

yang syndrome appearing as yin syndrome - 陽證似陰

yin fails to keep yang well - 陰不抱陽

the yin aspect of yin - 陰中之陰

abbsolute yin within yin; absolute yin within yin - 陰之絕陰


n.陰之絕陰 - abbsolute yin within yin

n.陰之絕陰 - absolute yin within yin

n.結陰 - accumulation of pathogens in yin channels

n.髒結 - accumulation of yin cold in viscera

n.陰勝則陽病 - an excess of yin leads to disorder of yang

n.陰盛陽衰 - an excess of yin leads to yang defiiency

n.斂陰 - astringing yin fluid

n.助陰 - be beneficial to yin

n.陰證傷寒 - cold stroke with yin stndrome

n.堅陰 - consolidating the yin

n.心營過耗 - consumption of the yin fluid of the heart

n.熱病傷陰 - consumption of yin caused by febrile disease

n.久熱傷陰 - consumption of yin caused by prolonged fever

n.熱邪傷陰 - damaged yin by pathogenic heat

n.陰虛耳聾 - deafness due to yin deficiency

n.氣陰兩虛,氣陰兩虛傷 - deficiency of both qi and yin

n.氣陰兩虛 - deficiency of both the vital energy and yin

n.陰陽兩虛 - deficiency of both yin and yang

n.腎陰虛 - deficiency of the kidney yin

n.陽損及陰 - deficiency of yang affecting yin

n.陰虛 - deficiency of yin

n.陰損及陽 - deficiency of yin affecting yang

n.心陰虛 - deficiency of yin of the heart

n.陽損及陰 - deficiency ofyang affecting yin

n.陰陽兩虛 - defiiency of both yin an yang

n.直中三陰 - direct attack on the three yin channels

n.直中三陰 - direct attack or the three yin channels

n.三陰病 - diseases of the three yin channels

n.陰陽不和 - disharmony of yin and yang

n.陰陽離決 - dissociation of yin and yang

n.陰陽離決 - dissoiation of yin and yang

n.先別陰陽 - distinguishing yin and yang at first

n.陰虛喘 - dyspnea due to yin deficiency

n.強陰 - einforcing yin essence

n.虛斑 - eruption in yin syndrome

n.陰盛 - excess of yin

n.陽虛陰盛 - excess of yin due to yang insufficiency

n.陽盛格陰 - Excessive yang hinders yin

n.脫陰 - exhaustion of yin

n.陰虛熱盛 - extreme heat due to deficiency of yin

n.陰虛熱盛 - extreme heat due to deficieny of yin

n.濁陰不降 - failure in sending down turbid yin

n.陰虛發熱 - fever due o yin deficiency

n.陰虛發熱 - fever due to yin deficiency

n.一枝黃花 - first yin

n.一陰 - first yin or jueyin channel

n.陰虛痿 - flaccidity due to yin defiiency

n.陰為味 - flavor derived from yin

n.陰虛陽浮 - floating of yang due to yin deficiency

n.增長為陽 - growth is yang and decline is yin

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