ISBLabbr. 界區內(InSide Battery Limit);伊莎貝拉(服裝品牌名, Yi Sha Bei La);信息系統基礎語言(Information System Base Language)
ISBL 界區內;伊莎貝拉;界區內投資;信息系統基礎語言;ISBL - 工藝界區;ISBL Information System Base Language 信息系統庫語言;
1.Participate the control system(both of the ISBL and OSBL)testing. 參與控制系統的測試。
2.The ISBL of this HP Hydrocracker Unit will start at the unit Filter Feed Vessel and conclude at product run downs from the Fractionation and the Naphtha Minus Section. 該高壓加氫裂化裝置的界區從裝置過濾器進料罐開始,直到從分餾與脫石腦油段來的產品出料罐為止。
3.Experience for ISBL units could include large continuous processes such as gasification, coal processing, gas processing, ammonia, methanol, hydrogen, olefins, sulphur, polyethylene, polypropylene. 界區內裝置經驗包括一些大型的連續性的工藝,例如:氣化、煤處理、氣體處理、氨、甲醇、氫、烯烴、硫、聚乙烯、聚丙烯。