n. harold pinter
pintern. 指針式熱效率測定儀
pinter 指針式熱效率測定儀;打印機;Harold Pinter 哈羅德·品特;哈洛品特;法國中尉的女人;鶘臥乓;multicolor pinter 多色打印機;ink-jet pinter 噴墨打印機;The Dumb Waiter by Harold Pinter 哈洛德·品特《送菜升降機》;
1.Pinter's work influenced a generation of British dramatists, defined the "kitchen sink" drama and introduced a new word to the English language. 品特的作品影響了一代英國劇作家,創造了乏味家務事戲劇,為英語引入了一個新詞。
2.Harold Pinter, the British playwright and Nobel laureate famous for brooding portrayals of domestic life and his barbed politics, died aged 78 on Christmas Eve after battling cancer. 以刻畫家庭生活和尖刻諷刺著稱的英國劇作家及諾貝爾獎得主-哈羅德品特由於癌症在聖誕前夜去世,享年78歲。
3.His plays exuded tension, were spiced with erotic fantasies and were full of obsession, jealousy and hatred. Critics dubbed Pinter's chilling masterpieces "the theater of insecurity". 他的作品流露出緊張氣氛,夾雜著性幻想,充斥著困擾感、嫉妒和仇恨。評論家稱品特的驚世之作為「沒有安全感的戲劇」。