Tcfabbr. 法語水平測試(Test de Connaissance du Francais);技術檔案(Technical Construction File);頻率溫度係數(Temperature Coefficient of Frequency)
TCF 磷酸三甲酚酯;全無氯;全無氯漂白;技術文件;TCF - 磷酸三甲苯酯;時間相關涵數;TCF Transmission Convergence Function 傳輸會聚功能;TCF thymus crude factor 胸腺粗提因子;TCF-4 T-cell-specific transcription factor 4;T-cell Transcription Factor 4;
1.This paper summarizes some progress of bleaching technology in the world, and especially introduces some new ECF/TCF bleaching sequences. 概述國際紙漿漂白的新特點,介紹近年來紙漿漂白技術的新進展及ECF/TCF漂白新流程。
2.Wheat straw, straw, Reed, Displacement cooking. Improved displacement cooking, H_2O_2 bleaching, Black liquor, Lesschlorine bleaching, TCF bleaching. 草類原料,麥草,置換蒸煮,改良置換蒸煮,H_2O_2漂白,黑液,少氯漂白,全無氯漂白。
3.It shows that the IMU with the medial and low precision can satisfy the precision demand of two-dimension TCF of the certain rocket using this precision compensation model. 結果表明,利用此精度補償模型,中、低精度的IMU就可以滿足某型火箭彈二維彈道修正引信的精度要求。