n. brush ,brushwood ,coppice ,copse
thickets['θikit]n. 灌木叢;叢林;錯綜複雜
thickets 叢林;With an axe he cuts down the thickets 他將用鐵斧砍伐叢林,黎巴嫩和她的壯麗必被伐倒。;they have entered into thickets and have climbed up the rocks 全城的人聽到了騎兵和弓手的喧嚷,都四散逃命,有深入森林的,有爬上山巖的;
1.Many knights, who had heard what might be within the forest, had tried to cut through the thickets, but none had been successful. 以前有許多騎士也聽說那森林裡可能會有什麼東西,也曾經試著要穿過樹籬,可是都沒有人成功過。
2.Many knights, who had heard what might be within the forest, had tried to cut through the thickets, but none had been successful. 以前有許多騎士也聽說那森林裡可能會有什東西,也曾經試著要穿過樹籬,可是都沒有人成功過。
3.In that day their strong cities, which they left because of the Israelites, will be like places abandoned to thickets and undergrowth. And all will be desolation. 在那日,他們的堅固城必象樹林中和山頂上所撇棄的地方,就是從前在以色列人面前被人撇棄的。這樣,地就荒涼了。