Munchausen big talk big words overstatement tall talk taradiddle 大話;Munchausen big talk big words overstatement tall talk taradiddle 大話;Munchausen big talk big words overstatement tall talk taradiddle 大話;Munchausen big talk big words overstatement tall talk taradiddle 大話;Munchausen big talk big words overstatement tall talk taradiddle 大話;
1.So, aiming at Suppabuddha the leper, he gave a step-by-step talk, i. e. , a talk on giving, a talk on virtue, a talk on heaven; 於是,針對麻瘋病者蘇巴菩達,他作了一場循序漸進的開示,即,一段佈施說,一段戒德說,一段天界說;
2.Do not tell me about a man's being able to talk sense; everyone can talk sense - can he talk nonsense? 別講會說要道理的話的人的事情了;誰也會說有道理的話——他會說廢話嗎?
3.And Li Yinan always is leisurely, with excuse oneself from of a word: Talk about Aladdin only today, talk about future only, do not talk about the past. 而李一男總是慢條斯理,以一句話婉拒:今天只談阿拉丁,只談未來,不談過去。
4.Cross's sister, Ellen Cross, played guitar in the ceremony and sang "Only Love Remains, " while Marcia walked down the aisle on the arm of her father Mark Cross. marcia的大姐彈著吉他唱著「只有愛存在」,marcia在父親的陪同下緩緩走向新郎,身穿reemacra設計的婚紗,手持一束白牡丹和白玫瑰組成的花束。
5."three cross-cutting" is the next loophole loophole with the dark cross, high room fire and the bunker fire cross fire with the bunker walls crossfire. 「三交叉」就是明槍眼與暗槍眼交叉,高房火力與地堡火力交叉,牆壁火力與地堡火力交叉。