a. submissive
domineering[dɔmi'niəriŋ]adj. 跋扈的;專橫的;盛氣凌人的v. 實行暴政;高聳;流行(domineer的ing形式)
domineering 極權的;跋扈的;跋扈;擅權的;bossy domineering 跋扈的;domineering parents 專制的父母;mature and domineering woman 御姐;arrogant and domineering 飛揚跋扈;
1.Li is introvert while his wife was domineering, and his parents treated him toughly when he was young, which made him want to kill them. 李磊自身性格內向,他的妻子卻喜歡爭強好勝,而父母從小就對他的管教非常嚴厲,這使得他想殺了他們。
2.Some of the most domineering executives secretly love being abased and abused… it's a chance for them to lose control, to give up responsibility. 一些生活中的強力人物背地裡熱衷於被貶低和羞辱…於他們而言這是一個失去支配權力,拋下所擔責任的機會。
3.The fact is those a lot marriages were simply based on convenience and wives are not no longer willing to accept the abusive domineering attitudes of husbands . 事實是許多姻緣僅僅建立在便利的基本功上,而且妻子不再願意接受丈夫作威作福的態度。