eduardon. 愛德華多(姓氏)
Eduardo 埃德華多;愛德華多;克羅地亞;Eduardo Paes 里約熱內盧市長帕埃斯;市長派斯;裡約市長派希;Eduardo Mendoza 愛德華多·門多薩;Eduardo Paolozzi 包洛奇;愛德華多·包洛奇;家普羅西;Eduardo Paret 巴雷特;帕雷特;帕列特;
1.Eduardo Stein, the vice-president, says that a candidacy like hers would have been impossible even five years ago. 副總統愛德華多
2.Feb 23rd 2008 – Eduardo has his left fibula fractured and sustains an open dislocation of his ankle joint after Martin Taylor's tackle. 2008年2月23日:愛德華多腓骨(小腿雙骨外側的那根骨頭)骨折,踝關節錯位。肇事者馬丁泰勒。
3.However he was lucky to escape conceding a penalty when he climbed on Eduardo and the cross that lead to the consolation came from his side of the pitch. 當然他也很幸運的逃過了對愛德華多壓人犯規的點球判罰,同時克羅地亞打進安慰性入球也是來自他防守的這一側。