Aloesn. 蘆薈(aloe的複數)
Aloes 蘆薈;釋義:蘆薈(中藥);沉水;沉香;bitter aloes 瀉藥;extractum aloes 釋義:蘆薈浸膏;Curacao Aloes 蘆薈;Extract of aloes 蘆薈浸膏;
1.It is during the cool, dry winter months that aloes become a striking feature of the South African Bushveld, Highveld and Karoo. 一到寒冷乾燥的冬季,蘆薈便成為了南非灌木草原,高地草原及卡魯地區中一道醒目的風景。
2.Exceptional frost can sometimes freeze the water in the crowns and leaves of succulent plants, such as aloes and Agave attenuata, causing splitting. 罕見的霜凍有時可以使肉質植物(如蘆薈、龍舌蘭)花冠和葉子中的水凍結,導致其綻裂。
3.Although less than one pound was normally used in Israelite funerary preparations, Nicodemus brought "a mixture of myrrh and aloes, about a hundred pounds" to prepare Jesus's body for burial. 儘管以色列人用於葬禮的沒藥不足一磅,尼哥底姆卻帶來「大約一百磅的沒和蘆薈混合物」去準備耶穌肉體的葬禮。
agallocha wood; aloes wood; aloeswood; resina agallochae - 老沉香