





n. escape ,flight of stairs ,flying ,trajectoryv. fledge


flight[flait]n. 飛行;班機;逃走vt. 射擊;使驚飛vi. 遷徙


flight 班機;貶值;飛行;航程;flight number 航班號;航班號碼;班機號碼;飛航班次;regular flight 正常航班;定期班機;定期航班;正常航;smooth flight 平穩的飛行;平穩飛行;平穩的 飛行;driven flight 貼網快平秋;貼網快平球:;貼網快平抽;文網快平秋;


1.It was a six hour flight . 這是一次六小時的飛行。

2.But we need to begin with level flight. 但是我們需要從「水平飛行開始」。

3.What is the departure time of your flight? 請問您的航班是什麼時候起飛?


Hello, Air China Flight Reservations. May I help you? - 喂,你好,中國航空公司訂票處,需要幫忙嗎?

when is your plane reservation for your flight to Athens? - 飛Athens訂的是什麼時候的班機?

She told Robbie that her flight tomorrow was canceled, - 她告訴Robbie說 她明天的班機取消了

so she had to take an earlier flight today. - 所以她不得不在今天搭早一班的班機。

So now I'm taking a flight on Monday instead. - 所以我現在要改搭星期一的班機走。

I'm leaving on Northwest flight 102 on Sunday the thirteenth. - 我在星期天、也就是十三號乘坐西北航空的102航班離開。

I want to take a flight to New York tomorrow. - 我想明天坐飛機到紐約。

The flight is delayed. - 飛機晚點起飛。

United's Flight 102 leaves at 9:20. - 聯合公司的102次班機9點20分起飛。

Air China has a flight leaving at 9:25. - 中國航空公司有一班飛機,9點28分起飛。

OK. We have a nonstop flight leaving Kennedy at 9:25. - 好的。9點25分有一趟直達班機,從肯尼迪國際機場起飛。

They're calling your flight now.You barely have time to make it. - 他們正在定航班。你剛剛有時間做。

I'd like two seats on today's northwest flight 7 to detroit, please. - 我想訂兩張今天西北航空公司7班次到底特律的機票。

The flight number is ak708 on september 5th. - 班機號碼是9月5日ak708

There's a ten thirty flight in the morning. - 早上10點半有班機。

I'd like to reconfirm my flight from london to tokyo. - 我要再確認一下我從倫敦到東京的班機。

How long will the flight be delayed? - 班機誕誤多長時間?

Will the flight be delayed? - 這班機會延誤嗎?

Will the flight be canceled? - 這班機會被取消嗎?

Do you have a flight to New York departing at about 10 a.m. Next Monday? - 你們有下週一大約下午10點起飛到紐約的班機嗎?

Will this flight leave on time? - 這班機準時起飛嗎?

Could you change my flight date from London to Tokyo? - 請你更改一下從倫敦到東京的班機日期好嗎?

In 1929, three years after his flight over the North Pole, the American explorer, R.E.Byrd, successfully flew over the South Pole for the first time. - 美國探險家 R。伯德在飛越北極3年之後,於1929年第一次飛越了南極。

A flight attendant would take charge of me and I never had an unpleasant experience. - 我總是由一位空中乘務員照管,從未遇到過不愉快的經歷。

a flight attendant told us to keep calm and to get off the plane quietly as soon as it had touched down. - 一位空中乘務員告訴我們要保持鎮靜,待飛機一著陸,就馬上不聲不響地離開飛機。

A week before, he had completed a successful overland flight during which he covered twenty-six miles. - 一周以前,他曾成功地進行了一次26英里的陸上飛行。

After making a short test flight at 4,15 a.m., - 布萊裡奧凌晨4點15分作了一次短距離試飛,

His great flight lasted thirty-seven minutes. - 他這次偉大的飛行持續37分鐘。

and slipping through we no longer take omens from their flight on this side and that; and even the most superstitious villagers no longer take off their hats to the magpie and wish it good-morning. - 這些鳥對我們是有益的,雖然我們不再從它們的飛翔姿態來占卜吉凶,連最迷信的村民也不再對喜鵲脫帽行禮,祝它早安了。

But I didn't see much during the flight because there was too much cloud. - 但我在飛行途中並沒有看到什麼東西,因為雲層很厚。


flight of ideas - 思維奔逸

flight fo ideas - 意念奔逸

flight ofideas - 意念澎湃

air forcedoctor; airforcedoctor; flight surgeon - 航空軍醫

helical flight mixer - 螺旋刮板混合器

flight attendant - 飛行護士

flight illusion - 飛行服務員

flight aptitude rating - 飛行適應性評價


n.螺為刮板,螺旋形行程 - helical flight

n.螺旋刮板混合器 - helical flight mixer

n.婚飛 - mating flight

婚姻飛行 - nuptial flight

定位飛行 - orientation flight

n.宇宙飛行 - space flight


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