fortifyingv. 加強(fortify的ing形式);構築防禦工事
Fortifying 加強;築堡壘於;fortifying food 釋義:強化食品;Sea Results Eye Defense Fortifying Serum 海洋眼部緊致精華;D-Stress fortifying Anti-Fatigue Radiance Essence 抗壓舒容醒膚精華;
1.When you're ready to do so, move some units to any remaining perimeter points and start fortifying them. 當你準備這樣做,提出一些單位以任何剩餘周長點,並開始他們的防禦工事。
2.When plastic draining planks are used to reinforce the soft sticky groundwork, their concretion parameters, space between and width influence directly the fortifying effects. 採用塑料排水板法加固軟粘土地基時,塑料排水板的固結係數、間距、深度都直接影響著加固效果。
3.To rationally analyze on market Orientation of Qinghai's touristic service and seek new selling way are the only way of enlarging and fortifying it in the market competition. 對青海旅遊服務營銷的市場定位進行理性分析,並尋求新的營銷策略,是青海旅遊業在市場競爭中做大做強的唯一出路。