GTEabbr. 美國通用電話電子公司(General Telephone and Electronics Corporation);地面試驗設備(Ground Test Equipment);廣汽豐田發動機有限公司
GTE 通用電話電子國際有限公司;Geometric Transfer Engine;Guided Technology Evolution;General Telephone and Electronics Corporation;GTE GeneralTimeCounter 通用時間計數器;GTE gate 門(電路);門(電路);GTE CE 顧比分析軟件;GTE Ground Test Equipment 地面測試設備;
1.You are going away from my visionin gte dim light. 如果我們都是孩子,就可以流連在時光的原地。
2.The results show that GTE of concrete increases with the amount of water and paste-aggregate ratio. 試驗結果表明,混凝土熱膨脹係數隨單位用水量、漿集比的增大而升高。
3.When the amount of water is fixed, GTE reduces with the increasing of water-cement ratio and increases when cement content is fixed. 水灰質量比的影響則取決於水泥用量和用水量的相對關係,當用水量一定時,熱膨脹係數隨水灰質量比的增大而降低;