illiquid[i'likwid]adj. [經]無流動資金的;非現金的
illiquid 非現金的;不能立即變現的;地流動性的;低流動性資產;illiquid corporation 資金周轉困難的公司;illiquid funds 非流動資金;假想基金;illiquid assets 非流動資產;非流動性資產;illiquid holdings 不動產;
1.Such funds have flowed disproportionately into small and illiquid stocks, causing them to rise multiple times. 這樣的資金不成比例的流入小且缺少流動的證券,導致其價格翻了幾番。
2.Both high yields and illiquid assets are also attractive to hedge funds, which have become the rising powers of the fund-management industry. 高收益和非流動性資產也是對沖基金之所愛,後者正成為資金管理業的後起之秀。
3.Today's failure of confidence is based on three related issues: the solvency of banks, their ability to fund themselves in illiquid markets and the health of the real economy. 今天的信念瓦解樹立在三個相互關聯的問題上:銀行的償付才幹,銀行在流動性凍結的市場上融資的才幹,實體經濟是否健康。