





n. acting ,performing ,playacting


playingn. 比賽;演奏v. 玩耍(play的ing形式)


Playing 播放;遊戲;玩耍;是現在分詞,表正在;Playing diabol 抖 空 竹;抖空竹;Begin playing 比賽開始;比賽開始 乒乓毬地板;Playing Along 一路歌唱;任人擺佈;行街;Playing Games 做遊戲」;做運動;玩遊戲;做遊戲;


1.Ken's mother won't let him go out and play. 肯的母親不讓他出去玩。

2.You are playing yourself. 你在和自己比賽。

3.The kids are playing tag over there. 小孩子正在那兒玩捉人遊戲。


I like playing basket, and I also enjoy the team spirit of basketball. - 我喜歡籃球及籃球活動中的集體精神。

Is that a proposal, or are we just playing a game? - 這是求婚呢 ,還是僅僅在玩遊戲?

I like playing basketball and badminton. - 我喜歡打籃球和羽毛球。

If you waste all your time playing computer games, you'll never get anywhere in life. - 如果你花過多的時間在電腦遊戲上,你將前途黯淡。

She was playing with the idea of studying abroad. - 她有出國留學的念頭,但並非很認真。

She began playing the violin when she was nine. - 九歲的時候,她開始拉小提琴。

He is also very fond of playing tennis and manages to find time for a game twice a week. - 他非常喜歡打網球,每週總要抽時間打兩次。

He's very fond of playing tennis. - 他非常喜歡打網球。

She began playing the violin when she was nine. - 她從九歲就開始練習小提琴。

I like playing football. - 我喜歡踢足球。

How many years have you been playing pingpong? - 你打乒乓球多少年了?

Stereo set playing a record - 放著唱片的立體聲唱機

I'm sorry. I was just playing football with my friends. - 對不起,我只是和朋友去踢了足球。

The room is always a mess after the children have been playing in here. - 兒童玩過之後的房間,通常都是亂糟糟的。

He isn't really serious; he's just playing games with her. - 他並不是一本正經,只是跟她玩玩遊戲而已。

Little children have the most fun playing make-believe. - 兒童很喜歡幻想的遊戲。

Do you like playing cards? - 你喜歡玩撲克?

He is playing on the merry-go-round in the park. - 他正在公園裡騎旋木馬。

He is playing on the see-saw in the yard. - 他正在院子裡玩蹺蹺板。

He is playing on the slide over there. - 他正在那邊溜滑梯。

He is playing on the swings outside. - 他正在外面蕩鞦韆。

He likes playing at the model buiding. - 他喜歡玩摸型建築。

He likes playing hide and seek. - 他喜歡玩捉迷藏。

He likes playing ping-pong. - 他喜歡去打乒乓球。

He likes playing the drum. - 他喜歡打鼓。

He likes playing the eletronic organ. - 他喜歡彈電子琴。

He likes playing the flute. - 他喜歡吹長笛。

He likes playing the guitar. - 他喜歡彈吉他。

He likes playing the harmonica. - 他喜歡吹口琴。

He likes playing the organ. - 他喜歡拉風琴。

He likes playing the piano. - 他喜歡彈鋼琴。

He likes playing the trumpet. - 他喜歡吹喇叭。

He likes playing the violin. - 他喜歡拉小提琴。

I'm playing ping-pong downstairs. - 我在樓下打乒乓球。

I'm playing with the dog downstairs. - 我在樓下和狗玩。

When it started raining, I was playing outside. - 當雨開始下的時候,我在外面玩。

I saw him playing football on the playground. - 我看見他在操場上踢足球。

At the moment, they are playing in the garden. - 此刻,他們正在花園裡玩。

Some children were playing games on the bank and there were some people rowing on the river. - 河岸上有些孩子正在玩耍,河面上有些人正在划船。

They have all been put to shame by a boy who, while playing truant, travelled 1,600 miles. - 而有那麼一個小男孩,他在逃學期間旅行了1,600英里,從而使上述所有逃學的孩子們都相形見絀了。

He added that a student had dressed up as a policeman and was playing all sorts of silly jokes on people. - 還對工人說,有個學生常裝扮成警察無聊地同別人開玩笑。

the chance of playing a game of football or baseball on Saturday afternoon. - 讓他們在星期六下午再踢足球或打壘球

Who were you playing against? - 你們和誰踢?

Of course we can. Our job is playing all kinds of music. - 當然能啦!我們的本行就是演奏各種音樂。

Mr Brain has just heard Zheng Jie playing the piano in a concert. - 佈雷恩先生剛聽了鄭傑在音樂會上的鋼琴演奏。

I'm playing in London next Thursday. - 下週四我會來倫敦演出。

It was at Charlie's wedding. You were playing the piano. - 那是在查理的婚禮上,你在彈鋼琴。


playing with the tongue - 弄舌


角色扮演 - role playing

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