psychoeducational['psaikəu,edju:'keiʃənəl]adj. 心理學方法教育的(在評價學習能力等方面採用智力測驗等)
psychoeducational 心理教育的;psychoeducational clinic 心理教育診所 心理教育診所;Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment 心理教育評定雜誌;Psychoeducational Inventory of Basic Learning Abilities 基本學習能力心理教育量表;
1.Meanwhile, the participants in the psychoeducational groups perceived more on certain factors than the task group members. 同時,在某些因素上,教育心理團體的成員比任務團體的成員覺知更多治療因素。
2.Overall, the participants in the counseling groups perceived greater therapeutic factors than those in the psychoeducational and the task groups. 整體而言,諮商團體的成員比教育心理、任務團體的成員覺知更多的治療因素。
3.A second level wherepsychiatrists can have a very large impact is in working with adults with mental illness who have children, doing preventive work using psychoeducational models. 第二個精神病醫生可以施加影響的層面是,在治療有小孩的成年患者時,使用心理健康教育模型進行預防工作。