retinacularadj. 韌帶的;支持帶的
retinacular 支持帶的;支持帶的, 韌帶的;lateral retinacular suspension 施行外眥縮緊或外側支持帶懸吊術;
1.It is therefore logical to use the smallest retinacular incision that has the desired effect on patellar tracking without an unjustified risk of complications. 因此應該使用最小的支持帶鬆解達到滿意的糾正髕骨軌跡的效果,以避免不必要的併發症發生,這是合乎邏輯的。
2.Operation was include lost body removed, meniscus repaired, synovial partially removed, notch plastied, the third spine removed and lateral retinacular released. 手術內容包括:關節內游離體摘除,半月板修整,滑膜部分切除,髁間凹成形,第三髁間脊切除,外側支持帶鬆解等。
3.Surgical repair of tendon tears combined with a peroneal groove-deepening procedure with retinacular reefing is a reproducibly effective procedure for this condition. 肌腱撕裂修補術結合加深腓骨溝的支持帶緊縮術可以有效地治療這種疾病。