1.That is because ewes have strangely shaped cervixes which make it impossible for a bendy tube to reach the uterus via the traditional route. 因為,母羊的子宮頸形狀特殊,不便於利用傳統方法將彎彎曲曲的管子伸入其子宮。
2.Aboard the Yellow Crane Tower in the fall, yellow tiles and red walls with bendy arches and eaves, a light breeze was blowing gently without ruffling the calm water. 如在秋日裡,登臨黃鶴樓。黃瓦紅牆,形似巨塔,飛簷凌空,翹角鬥拱,極目於長漢兩江,微風徐來,水波不興,甚是愜意。