dorr[dɔ:]n. 發出嗡嗡聲的昆蟲;金龜子
Dorr 道爾;冰溝;杜爾;Dorr mill 道爾磨機;Dorr ststem 杜氏法;Dorr agitator 杜爾攪動器;釋義:多爾攪拌器;多爾攪拌機,多爾攪拌器,道爾型攪拌機;多而攪拌器;Inside dorr 室 內 門;
1."As you grasped the knob the thought flashed , "When I open this dorr again , what will have happened? 當你把住門把時,閃過一個想法:「我再打開這扇門地時候,將會發生什麼事情?」
2.It is mainly used in special steel smelting for slay dorr, slid plate and burning burning furnace. can as per your requirment product. 主要應用於特種鋼冶煉出鋼口、滑板口及大型焚燒爐。(可以按照客戶要求加工生產。
3.The design characteristics of modified Dorr clarifiers, some practical technical data and its using result in Qingdao Haijing Chemical Industry Group Co. , Ltd. were introduced. 介紹了改良型道爾澄清桶的設計特點、若干實用的技術數據及其在青島海晶化工集團有限公司的使用效果。