eroticallyadv. 性愛地;色情地
1.So it seems that people are not closer, erotically, because of porn but less sexually connected. 由於色情,人們更少有性愛,所以看起來人們並不親密。
2.However, this division did not sit well with very many women and men who were erotically attracted to both sexes. 但是,這種劃分並沒有妥善地顧及到被兩個性別所性吸引的許許多多的男男女女們。
3.After all, very feminine men may very well be erotically attracted to women while very masculine men may be attracted to other men. 畢竟,非常女性化的男人有非常大的可能在性慾方面吸引女人;然而,男性氣概非常強的男人也有非常大的可能吸引到其他的男人。