exigenciesn. 緊急狀態;迫切情況(exigency的複數形式)
Exigencies 緊急狀態;迫切;exigencies of the service 公務需要;business exigencies rule 企業需要原則;subject to the exigencies of the service 以不妨礙公事進行為原則;須視乎公務需要而定;符合公務的需要;
1.Far from saving anything, he was even running up some small debts to satisfy his mother's exigencies. 他不僅攢不了錢,而且為了滿足母親的要求,又借了幾筆小債。
2.Socialist societies celebrate, and capitalist ones deplore, the exigencies which have enlarged the role of the state. 對於擴大國家作用的迫切需要來說,社會主義社會感到慶幸,資本主義則感到沮喪。
3.It seems as if the bravest and best in your class, as well as in others, had been sacrificed to the cruel exigencies of war. 表面看來,似乎你們班級中,還有其他一些班級,最勇敢最優秀的人已經在危險的戰爭中犧牲了。