Franchiser 項目招商人;經銷商;特許授予人;加盟店;Franchiser Chain 特許連鎖;dealer franchiser 經銷商;
1.The one-time, up-front franchise fee covers such franchiser services as site location studies, market research, training, and technical assistance. 過去的預付特權經營費用包括地理位置研究,市場調查,培訓,和技術協助等特許經營人服務。
2.The term ""franchiser"" as mentioned herein refers to organizations and individuals engaging in business of food wholesale, retail and field fabrication sales. 本辦法所稱經銷商,是指從事食品批發、零售、現場製作銷售等活動的組織或個人。
3.By studying this information, you can determine the financial condition of the franchiser and ascertain whether it has been involved in lawsuits with franchises. 通過研究這些信息,你就可以確定特許授予者的財務狀況,確定其是否曾與經營者產生過法律糾紛。
4.The one-time, up-front franchise fee covers such franchiser services as site location studies, market research, training, and technical assistance. 過去的預付特權經營費用包括地理位置研究,市場調查,培訓,和技術協助等特許經營人服務。