hydrophilian. 親水性;吸水性
hydrophilia 親水性;親水;吸水性;吸濕性;Aeromonas hydrophilia 嗜水氣單胞菌;水生產氣單胞菌;
1.Timely thick syrup dipped in pumice water rolls of dirty water, frequently to ensure good roll with hydrophilia. 準時用濃藥火蘸浮石粉不兵火輥暗不天的不朱不淨拔除,必然沖洗火輥,包管精良的潮火本能機能;
2.Fountain solution dosage asthenia acid small, block blank portion would fall in with hydrophilia, confecting fountain solution entirely in Hong Kong. 潤版液用度多、鹼性小、印版不滿白局部的干火性不離會回升,因此在配製潤版液時一定要奪目比例。
3.Some factors are used to refer to the role of emulsifiers, such as: SOAP, washing powder, soluble and with hydrophilia so that you can wash out the clothes of grease. 某栽身不分的功用是指乳化劑的功用,比如:胰子、洗衣粉,它具有潮油性和潮火性,這樣才能洗掉衣服的油污。