Lay-Down Vehicle Days 停駛延日車數;
1.I would rather fight a pre-season games, a few days rest and then a lay. 我寧願打一場季前賽,休息幾天,然後再打下一場。
2.In one of the drawers in my room lay my bookmarks collection. However, they are all under-utilised these days. 在我房裡的某個抽屜中可藏著我曾經細心收集的書籤,但是現在全都「英雄無用武之地」。
3.The Association of South East Asian Nations is due to hold a high-level meeting in the coming days that is expected to lay the framework for a broader aid donors conference. 東南亞國家聯盟將在近期組織高峰會議,期望能藉此協商討論更廣泛的援助手段。