bagpipes(also. 風笛
bagpipes 風笛;風笛圖片;Scottish Bagpipes 性表演;bagpipes Demon 迷幻搖滾;Brian Boru Bagpipes 布利安伯魯風笛;tender bagpipes sound 獨立搖滾;新迷幻;
1.Bagpipes and dancing open the competitions of local sporting events, which are called Highland Gatherings. 高地風笛與利爾舞揭開了蘇格蘭高地運動盛會的序幕。
2.The name of this instrument is easy to remember. It's a bag and it has pipes sticking out of it: bagpipes! 這個樂器的名字很容易記。它是一個有管子伸出去的袋子,所以叫「風笛」。
3.The typical Scottish garment, the kilt, is de rigeur when the Scots play the Great Highland bagpipes, e ecially when they march in parades. 蘇格蘭傳統的褶裙按照禮節是應該在演奏高地風笛時穿的,尤其是列隊前進的時候。