Bey[bei]n. (中東地區國家的)省長;對地位高的人的尊稱
BEY 貝魯特;州長;海闊天空;情人;BEY BEIRUT 黎巴嫩;Reis Bey 播放器;Bey Blade 陀螺戰記;Ali Bey 阿里貝伊;阿里
1.I wish I would stand on a busy street corner, har in hand, and bey people to show me all their wasted hacrs Bernard Berenson. 我真希望我能站在一個繁忙的街角,恭敬地請求人們把他們浪費掉的時間扔給我。
2."And yeah, there are better dancers out there, like Britney, but she cant hold a candle to what Bey, oh i mean Queen Bey can do on stage". 歐當然啦,還有一些比較會跳舞的舞者,像是布蘭妮啊,但她不能跟碧昂絲相比的,我的意思是玩美女神能夠在真正的演藝圈舞台上演出。
3.The nervous systerm is the control center of human body and it control every functions of the body. So nervous systerm play a bey role in the process of obesity. 而神經系統是人體內的調控中樞,對機體的各項機能起著總領和控制作用,自然倍受人們的關注。