





TVabbr. 電視(television)


tv 圖瓦盧;三尖瓣膜;電視;電視機;TV bench 電視櫃;TV station 電視台;最喜歡的電視台;可怕 查看;電視;Mobile TV 移動電視;TV monitor 電視監視器;電視機;


1.The game can be watched on TV. 這場比賽可以在電視上看到。

2.If they kill you on their TV! 如果在他們的電視裡殺死你!

3.I would rather watch TV than work. 我寧可看電視,也不願意工作。


Oh, nothing special. I read, watch TV or go to movies. - 哦,沒什麼特別愛好。平時讀書、看電視或去看看電影。

She says Carter Boswell is on the TV right now-- - 她說Carter Boswell現在正在電視上呢

Their TV news is going to cover it. - 他們的電視新聞將報導這一消息。

After I finish my homeword, I usually watch TV for half an hour or so. - 我做完作業後,通常看半個小時的電視。

Nowadays many TV programs need parental guidance. - 現在許多電視節目需要在家長指導下觀看。

His popularity has soared thanks largely to his TV appearances. - 由於經常出現在電視上,他的知名度日趨上升。

To advertise during prime time TV is very expensive. - 在電視的黃金時段買廣告是很貴的。

Are you watching TV now? - 你在看電視嗎?

I've been watching TV all night. - 我看了一整晚的電視。

How long do you watch TV every day? - 你每天看多長時間電視?

I don't know. You may look in the TV Guide. - 我不知道,你可以看看《電視報》。

I don't want to see any more of this TV show. - 我不想再看這個電視節目了。

There's TV coverage of the NBA tournament. - 有個NBA聯賽的電視報道。

Do you have a TV guide? - 你有電視節目嗎?

We can't get good pictures on our TV set. - 我們的電視機圖像有問題。

We'll have a soap opera series on TV this week. - 這週末我們會在電視上看到一系列肥皂劇。

I wish you wouldn't play the TV so loud. - 希望你不要把電視機開得這麼響。

He watches TV every day. - 他每天都看電視。

I got a clear picture on the TV set. - 我的電視機有很清晰的畫面。

I got a good picture on the TV set. - 我的電視機有很好的畫面。

I got many channels on the TV set. - 我的電視機有很多頻道。

I got much volume on the TV set. - 我的電視機有很大音量。

I meet the boy whose aunt is a TV announcer. - 我遇到那個男孩的姑媽是電視播音員。

I often watch TV at night. - 我常常在晚上看電視。

This is a TV set. - 這是一台電視機。

When I'm going to buy a TV set next time, I'll buy a color set. - 你有電視節目表嗎?猜謎遊戲節目之後是什麼?

When I'm going to buy a TV set next time, I'll buy a console model. - 下次買電視機的時候,我買叫大屏幕的。

When I'm going to buy a TV set next time, I'll buy a larger screen. - 你有電視借目標嗎?體育特別節目之後是什麼?

When I'm going to buy a TV set next time, I'll buy a portable model. - 你有電視節目表嗎?新聞與氣象節目之後是什麼?

Let's watch TV with a candle on. - 咱們點上蠟燭看電視吧。

My friend fails to mention the long and friendless winter evenings in front of the TV -- virtually the only form of entertainment. - 我的朋友沒有提到在電視機前度過的漫長寂寞的冬夜——電視是唯一的娛樂形式。

Who could have imagined, in the mid 1970s, for example, that by the end of the 20th century, computers would be as common in people's homes as TV sets? - 舉個例子吧,在20世紀70年代中葉又有誰能想得到在20世紀末的時候,家庭用的計算機會像電視機一樣普遍?

Can you believe that I bought a TV for $25? - 你能相信嗎我買一台電視只花了不起5塊錢?

There is a TV show about AIDS on right now. - 電視正在播放一個關於愛滋病的節目。

You'll find details of TV programs on page seven. - 你能在第七版找到電視節目的詳細預告。

She watched TV for half an hour after supper. Then she started her homework. - 晚飯後她看了半小時電視。然後她開始做家庭作業。

Our TV set was broken last week. He mended it for us. - 上星期我們的電視機壞了。他為我們修好了。

I know why you came, Wei Hua. You want to get your TV set back, don't you? - 我知道你為什麼來,魏華。你想取回電視機,是不是?

Which TV programme shall we watch? I can't decide. - 我們看哪個電視節目呢?我拿不定主意。

Good idea! That is much better than watching a bad TV programme! - 好主意!這比看破電視節目要好多了。

For example, with their help China can send its TV and radio programmes to the other side of the world. - 例如,在衛星的幫助下,中國能把自己的電視及廣播節目傳送到地球的另一邊。


in-patient tv monitor - 住院病人監護電視


n.住院病人監護電視 - in-patient tv monitor


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