





v. feel ,get ,go through ,know


n. inexperience ,rawness


experience[ik'spiəriəns]n. 經驗;經歷;體驗vt. 經驗;經歷;體驗


experience 經歷;經驗;體驗;工作經驗;specific experience 具體經歷;employment experience 工作經歷;工作經驗;經歷;就業經歷;early experience 早期經驗;Experience Marketing 體驗營銷;體驗行銷;體驗式營銷;體驗行銷;


1.Please tell us about your work experience. ? 請告訴我你過去的工作經驗。?

2.Tell me about yourself your past experience. 說說你自己和你過去經歷吧。

3.I also have the real world information retrieval application rich experience. 我也有著現實世界信息檢索應用的豐富經驗。


so I thought it would be a good place for me to make use of the experience I have had. - 所以,我想這裡會是運用我已有經驗的好地方。

My educational background and professional experience make me qualified for the job. - 我的教育背景和工作經驗使我能夠勝任這項工作。

What kind of experience do you have for the job? - 你有什麼與這份工作有關的工作經驗嗎?

Have you got any experience in advertising? - 你有廣告方面的經驗嗎?

Have you any experience with a computer? - 你有使用電腦的經驗嗎?

I have approximately three-year experience using a computer. - 我有大約三年操作電腦的經驗。

My qualifications and experience perfectly match what you are looking for. - 我具備的資格及經驗完全符合你們的需求。

As for salary, I leave it to you to decide after experience of my capacity. - 至於薪水,還是等檢驗了我的能力之後由你們再作決定。

It's been my experience that I agree that yours are of better quality. - 根據我的經驗來看,你們的產品質量的確較好。

What sort of experience do you have? - 你有什麼樣的經歷?

But the interview will be good experience for you. - 但這次面談對你來說是一次很好的經驗。

that this interview could be an important experience for you. - 這次面談是一次很好的經驗。

This has been a great learning experience for us, Marilyn. - 這對我們是一次很好的學習經驗, Marilyn。

Put my experience on the line ... - 考驗考驗我的閱歷……。

His experience will be valuable to both of us. - 他的經驗對你我都很有用。

I can't ask him for a raise, I have no experience in negotiation. - 我不能叫他給我加薪,我在談判方面沒經驗。

Could you give me a summer job? I'd like to get some experience working for your esteemed organization. - 你能提供一份暑期工給我嗎?我希望能從貴公司中得到工作經驗。

What he lacks in experience he makes up for in enthusiasm. - 他用熱心工作來彌補其經驗的不足。

However, through my experience in business at home and abroad. - 但從事國內外的商業的經歷中。

We had a unique experience here. - 我們在這裡獲得了寶貴的經驗。

Stone's bilingual ability and his work experience were the qualities that helped him get the job over all the other candidates. - 世通的雙語能力和他的工作經驗使他勝過其他候選人獲得這份工作。

Speaking of trips,did I ever tell you about the experience I had? - 談論旅行,我曾經把我的經驗告訴你了嗎?

Knowledge comes from experience alone. - 知識來自經驗。

One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning. - 一次痛苦的經驗抵得上千百次的告誡。

I had an amusing experience last year. - 去年我有過一次有趣的經歷。

All these cats had one experience in common: they had fallen off high buildings, yet only eight of them died from shock or injuries. - 它們都曾從高層建築上摔下來過,但只有其中的8隻貓死於震盪或跌傷。

George was not too upset by his experience because the lady who owns the sweet shop heard about his troubles and rewarded him with large box of chocolates. - 不過,此事並沒使喬治過於傷心,因為糖果店老闆娘聽說了他遇到的麻煩後,賞給他一大盒巧克力。

Past experience has taught us that certain accomplishments are beyond attainment. - 以往的經驗告訴我們有些事是辦不到的。

Such an experience befell a certain young girl the first time she was traveling alone. - 一個小姑娘第一次單獨出門就碰到了這種情況。

My particular experience is largely in oil, - 我是專門搞石油的,

It is difficult for any of us in moments of intense aesthetic experience to resist the suggestion that we are catching a glimpse of a light that shines down to us from a different realm of existence, different and, because the experience is intensely movi - 我們似乎瞥見從另一個世界射向我們的一線光芒,那個世界不僅不同於我們這個世界,而且由於美感的強烈感染,在某些方面比我們這個世界更美好。

Many people in industry and the Services, who have practical experience of noise,regard any investigation of this question as a waste of time; - 在工業部門工作和在軍隊中服役的許多人對噪音有切身的體會,他們認為對這個問題進行調查是浪費時間,

But can we blame those who looked and failed to see what Galileo saw, if we remember that to use a telescope at the limit of its powers calls for long experience and intimate familiarity with one's instrument? - 但是,如果我們想到,便用一架倍數有限的望遠鏡需要長期的經驗和對自己儀器的熟悉程度,那麼我們怎麼能去責備觀察了天空但沒有看到伽利略所看到的東西的那些人呢?

The fact of first-rate importance is the predominant role that custom plays in experience and in belief, and the very great varieties it may manifest. - 最重要的是,風俗在實踐中和信仰上所起的舉足輕重的作用,以及它所表現出來的極其豐富多采的形式。

From the moment of his birth, the customs into which he is born shape his experience and behaviour. - 從他呱呱墜地的時刻起,他所生於其中的風俗就開始塑造他的經歷和行為規範。

Indeed, we lack practice and experience nowadays in dealing with primitive conditions. - 確實,我們今天缺乏對付原始環境的實踐和經驗。

The opinion does not survive experience of a popular Continental camping place. - 但這種說法在受人歡迎的歐洲露營場地是站不住腳的。

This experience was to change his life. - 這一經歷後來改變了他的生活。


experience on acupuncture and moxibustion therapy - 針灸資生經


n.野外試驗 - field experience

n.有經驗的醫生 - healer with experience

傷害性的經歷 - injury experience

近期弛之經歷 - near-death experience

無親身體驗 - out-of-the-body experience

頂點經驗 - peak experience

初步經驗 - preliminary experience

幻覺體驗 - psychedelic experience

治療經驗 - therapeutic experience

n.外界體驗 - xenopathic experience


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