Amwayn. 安利公司
Amway 安利;安利中國;安利其它;安麗(美國);Amway Others 安利其它;Amway Arena 安利球館;安利球場;安麗球場;主場:安利球館;Amway Nutrilite 紐崔萊;Amway Queen 廣東皇后鍋;安利皇后鍋具;皇后鋼鍋;
1.In Amway, nothing is impossible if you put in the effort. 安利讓我知道,只要不放棄,沒有事情是不可能的!
2.In Amway I have come to realise the importance of sincerity. Only by sharing things with our friends can we gain their trust and succeed in the Amway business. 安利讓我體會到以真誠待人的重要。只要我們真心地跟朋友分享,便自然可以得到朋友的信任,在零售和推薦上取得成功。
3.I would like to thank the Hong Kong New Generation Cultural Association and Amway, whose hard work and close cooperation helped get the programme off to a good start. 我想在此感謝新一代及安利,因為在他們的衷誠合作下,一切都安排得很順利,令整個支教計劃取得一個很好的開始。