





lymphatic[,lim'fætik]adj. 淋巴的;含淋巴的n. 淋巴管;淋巴腺


Lymphatic 淋巴的;含淋巴的;淋巴腺;釋義:淋巴的,淋巴管,淋巴(素)質的;lymphatic system 淋巴系統;淋巴系;淋巴系統;淋巴管系統;lymphatic vessel 淋巴管;釋義:淋巴管;lymphatic vessels 淋巴管;釋義:淋巴管;lymphatic node 淋巴節;淋巴結;


1.How is lymphatic tumor caused? 淋巴瘤是怎麼引起的?

2.Conditional love may impair the immune and lymphatic systems, induce cancer, lung problems and ear infections. 有條件的愛可能減弱免疫和淋巴系統,引發癌症,肺病和耳部感染。

3.Radiation sports injuries tattooing and any physical insult to the lymphatic pathways can also cause lymphedema. 放射、運動損傷、紋身和任何的對淋巴通路的侵犯也會導致淋巴水腫。


lymphatic edema of uppe limb - 上肢淋巴水腫

lymphatic edema of lower limb; lymphoedema of lower limb - 下肢淋巴水腫

poorly differentiated lymphatic leukemia - 分化差的淋巴細胞性白血病

primary lymphatic organ - 初級淋巴器管

simple hyperplasia of lymphatic gland - 單純性淋巴結增生病

ductus lymphaticus dexter; right lymphatic duct - 右淋巴導管

right lymphatic trunk - 右淋巴干

peripheral lymphatic organ - 周邊淋巴器官

pharyngeal lymphatic ring; phayngeal lymphoid ring - 咽淋巴環

folliculi lymphatici laryngei; laryngeal lymphatic follicles - 喉淋巴濾泡

solitary lymphatic nodules - 孤立淋巴小結

folliculi lymphatici solitarii; solitary lymphatic follicles - 孤立淋巴濾泡

acute lymphatic leukemia; acute lymphocytic leukemia - 急性淋巴細胞性白血病

secondary lymphatic organ - 次級淋巴器官

superficial lymphatic vessels; vasa lymphatica superficialia - 淺淋巴管

deep lymphatic vessels; vasa lymphatica profunda - 深淋巴管

lymphatic plexus; plexus lym phaticus - 淋巴叢

lymphatic colateral circulation - 淋巴側支循環

lymphatic return - 淋巴回流

obstruction of lymphatic return - 淋巴回流受阻

solitary lymphatic follicles - 淋巴孤結

ductus lymphatici; lymphatic ducts - 淋巴導管

lymphatic trunks; trunci lymphatici; trunk - 淋巴干

lymphatic infantilism - 淋巴性幼稚型

lymphatic cachexia - 淋巴性惡病質

lymphatic leudemia; lymphemia - 淋巴性白血病

lymphatic interstitial pulmonary fibrousis - 淋巴性間質性肺纖維化

lymphatic spread - 淋巴播散

lymphatic capillaries - 淋巴毛細管

lymphatic fistula - 淋巴瘺

lymphatic neuritis - 淋巴神經炎

eas lymphaticum; lymphatic; lymphatic vessel; plexus - 淋巴管

lymphatic pledus plexus lymphaticus - 淋巴管叢

filariasis of lymphatic vessels - 淋巴管絲蟲病

reconstruction of lymphatic duct - 淋巴管再建

injury of lymphatic vessels - 淋巴管吸收

lymphatic edema - 淋巴管性水腫

injury of lymphatic vessels - 淋巴管損傷

lymphatic valve; valvula lymphatica - 淋巴管瓣

rupture of lymphatic vessels - 淋巴管破裂

ligation of lymphatic duct - 淋巴管結紮術

lymphatic obstruction - 淋巴管閉塞

lymphatic obstruction - 淋巴管阻塞

lymphatic system; systena - 淋巴系統

lymphatic reaction - 淋巴系統反應

lymphatic cord - 淋巴索

lymjphiod leukemia; lymphatic leukemia - 淋巴細胞性白血病

lymphatic abscess - 淋巴結膿腫

lymphatic metastasis; lymphaticmetastasis - 淋巴結轉移

lymphatic choriomeningitis - 淋巴脈絡叢腦膜炎


n.急性淋巴細胞性白血病 - acute lymphatic leukemia

n.輸入淋巴管 - afferent lymphatic

n.輸入淋巴管 - afferent lymphatic vessel

n.集合淋巴結,集合淋巴濾泡 - aggregated lymphatic follicles

n.腋淋巴叢 - axillary lymphatic plexus

慢性淋巴細胞白血病 - chronic lymphatic leukemia

深部淋巴管 - deep lymphatic vessel

n.深淋巴管 - deep lymphatic vessels

n.輸出淋巴管 - efferent lymphatic

n.淋巴管絲蟲病 - filariasis of lymphatic vessels

n.淋巴管損傷,淋巴管吸收 - injury of lymphatic vessels

n.腸干 - intestinal lymphatic trunks

n.喉淋巴濾泡 - laryngeal lymphatic follicles

外側淋巴索,側淋巴帶 - lateral lymphatic band

n.淋巴管結紮術 - ligation of lymphatic duct

n.淋巴回流受阻 - obstruction of lymphatic return

n.周邊淋巴器官 - peripheral lymphatic organ

n.腹腔淋巴叢 - peritoneal lymphatic plexus

n.咽淋巴環 - pharyngeal lymphatic ring

n.分化差的淋巴細胞性白血病 - poorly differentiated lymphatic leukemia

n.初級淋巴器管 - primary lymphatic organ

n.進行型和淋巴型,萎縮型 - progressive and lymphatic form

n.淋巴管再建 - reconstruction of lymphatic duct

n.右淋巴導管 - right lymphatic duct

n.右淋巴干 - right lymphatic trunk

n.淋巴管破裂 - rupture of lymphatic vessels

n.次級淋巴器官 - secondary lymphatic organ

n.單純性淋巴結增生病 - simple hyperplasia of lymphatic gland

n.孤立淋巴濾泡,淋巴孤結 - solitary lymphatic follicles

n.孤立淋巴小結 - solitary lymphatic nodules

淺淋巴管 - superficial lymphatic vessel

n.淺淋巴管 - superficial lymphatic vessels


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