round-about way 採用間接的方法;採用間接的辦法;採用直接的方法;round-about channel 迴繞水路;in a round-about way 迂迴曲折地;轉彎抹角, 兜圈子;
1.Friday, a reporter attempted to address the subject in a round-about way. 週五,一名記者試圖繞圈子套點科比關於這一話題的口風。
2.Your brain knew where the keys were all along, it just took a round-about way to get there. 你的大腦自始至終都知道鑰匙在哪裡,只是繞了個圈子才讓你知道。
3.Europeans, Africans, and Arabs in particular, are put off by the straight-to-the -point style of North American business communication. They prefer a more round-about approach. 歐洲人、非洲人,尤其是阿拉伯人,對北美洲商人在交往中的直率作風感到不快。他們喜歡比較迂迴的交際方式。【查看更多要訣】。