





beesn. 蜜蜂(bee的複數)


Bees 蜜蜂;蜜蜂科;屈福特?;Honey Bees 養蜂女孩;BUMBLE BEES 蠢蜜蜂;大黃蜂;The Bees 亡蜂屠城;Two Bees 兩隻小蜜蜂;


1.Yes, the bees go home. 是的,蜜蜂也要回家的。

2.Do bees have minds? Can they figure out direction and distance? 蜜蜂有思維嗎?它們能辨別方向和判斷距離嗎?

3.After a short time a line of bees fly to and from the hive like a thin stream. 過不一會兒,一隊蜜蜂像一條小溪一樣在蜂房和餵食地點之間來回飛行。


The reporters and cameramen swarmed around the accident like bees around a honey pot. - 為了報道這件事情,記者和攝像師蜂擁而至。

Old bees yield no honey. - 老蜂不釀蜜。

A colony of bees had turned the engine into a hive and it was totally preserved in beeswax! - 一群蜜蜂把發動機當作了蜂房,發動機在蜂蠟中被完整地保存了下來。

No matter how much we like honey, or how much we have read about the uncanny sense of direction which bees possess, we have a horror of being stung. - 不管我們多麼愛吃蜂蜜,或讀過多少關於蜜蜂具有神秘的識別方向的靈感的書,我們仍然十分害怕被蜂蜇。

Professor Karl von Frisch, an Austrian scientist, spent many years of his life researching the amazing ways honey bees communicate in their dark hives. - 卡爾·馮·弗裡施教授,一位澳大利亞科學家,一生中花了許多年的時間來研究蜜蜂在暗巢裡互傳信息的有趣方法。

After working with bees for many years, Professor Von Frisch was puzzled by something he had noticed again and again. - 在和蜜蜂打了多年的交道後,馮·弗裡施教授對他反覆注意到的事感到迷惑。

When he placed little dishes of honey on a table, bees soon same. - 當他把裝有蜂蜜的小碟放在桌上時,蜜蜂很快就飛來。

It seemed that one bee was able to communicate the news of food to other bees in its hive. - 似乎一隻蜜蜂能夠把食物的信息傳遞給蜂箱裡的其他蜜蜂。

In order to tell the bees apart, he painted some bees with little spots of colour. - 為了區別這些蜜蜂,他在一些蜜蜂身上塗上小色點。

Then the bees left the hive and went to the feeding place. - 然後那些蜜蜂離開蜂箱,飛到餵食點去。

He marked all the bees that came to the nearby feeding place blue, and all the bees that went to the faraway place were marked red. - 他把所有飛來近處餵食點的蜜蜂標上藍色,飛往遠處餵食點的蜜蜂標上紅色。

When the bees came back to the hive, Von Frisch saw a curious sight. - 當蜜蜂返回蜂箱時,馮·弗裡施看到一個奇特的現象。

All the bees that had been at the nearby place were doing the circling dance. - 所有在近處點的蜜蜂在跳一種完全不同的舞蹈,一種搖擺舞。

All the bees that had been at the distant feeding place were doing a completely different dance, a wagging dance. - 所有在近處點的蜜蜂在跳一種完全不同的舞蹈,一種搖擺舞。

Did the wagging dance tell the bees how far away the food was? - 搖擺舞有沒有告訴蜜蜂食物到蜂箱的距離有多遠?

With a stopwatch, they counted how many times the bees repeated the dance during one minute. - 他們用秒錶記錄蜜蜂在一分鐘內重複舞蹈的次數。

They also found out that bees fly a maximum distance of 3.2 kilometres between their hive and a feeding place. - 他們還發現蜜蜂從蜂箱到餵食點的最大飛行距離是3。2公里。

Next Von Frisch thought that bees needed to know more than just the distance to a faraway place. - 接著,馮·弗裡施認為蜜蜂不僅需要知道到遠的餵食點的距離。

Soon, the bees in the hive flew out.They flew right to the dish. - 很快,蜂箱裡的蜜蜂飛了出來,它們徑直朝碟子飛去。

Again the bees flew right to the dish. - 蜜蜂又一次徑直向碟子飛去。

How did the bees know exactly in which diection to fly? - 蜜蜂是怎樣確切地知道朝哪個方向飛呢?

When honey bees have discovered a feeding place, they fly directly to it from the hive. - 當蜜蜂發現一個餵食點時,它們從蜂箱直接飛往那裡。

After a short time a line of bees fly to and from the hive like a thin stream. - 過不了一會兒,一隊蜜蜂像一條小溪一樣在蜂箱和餵食點之間來往飛行。

Centuries ago, the word beeline was made to describe this thin line of bees flying through the air. - 幾百年前,有人用beeline 這個詞來描寫蜜蜂在空中飛行的細窄路線。

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