undigraphn. 無向圖
Undigraph 無向圖;Articulation Point - UndiGraph 關節點;
1.The algorithm is very simple and suitable for finding all undirected Hamiltonian circuits in general undigraph. 算法簡便,適合於求解一般無向圖中全部哈密頓回路。
2.Based on analyzing existed structures of undigraph and characteristics of 2D drawing, Classified Adjacency List which is an improving structure of undigraph is presented. 在充分分析現有無向圖存儲結構優缺點的基礎上,結合二維工程圖形的特點,提出了一種改進的無向圖存儲結構——分類鄰接表存儲結構。
3.To solve the model, the shortest path and its length of every two nodes in the incomplete undigraph are calculated with FLOYD algorithm, and a predatory search algorithm is designed for the solution. 為了求解上述模型,首先利用FLOYD算法求得不完全無向圖中各節點間的最短路徑和最短路徑長度,然後設計了捕食搜索算法對模型進行求解。