a. cherished ,precious ,treasured
a. unwanted
wanted['wɔntid, 'wɔ:n-]adj. 被通緝的v. 想要;渴望(want的過去分詞)
Wanted 通緝;通緝 緝拿;渴望;刺客聯盟》;position wanted 希望職位;求職;希看職位;盼望職位;teacher wanted 招聘老師;招聘教師;Contributions Wanted 徵稿啟事;徵稿啟事 《英語拾零》徵稿;高中英語] 徵稿啟事:《英語拾零》徵稿-;徵稿啟事:《英語拾零》徵稿-;Ya wanted 雅通緝;
1.Well, now we own a house that you really, really wanted. 如今我們擁有了一個你非常非常想要的房子。
2.She wanted a new bike for Christmas and she got her wish. 她想在聖誕節得到一輛新的自行車,結果如願以償。
3.I wanted to do something that no one has done -- build a luxurious condominium. 我想要做一些別人沒有做過的事情–建造一座豪華的公寓。
My wife wanted me to say thanks to you for your gift last time. - 我妻子要我帶她謝謝你上次送的禮物。
She wanted something to do, I guess. - 我猜想她想找點事做吧。
I retired because... I wanted to be with my family. - 我退休是因為……我想和全家人在一起。
I wanted to, but Jack Davis needed a photographer. - 我真的想參加上課, 但Jack Davis要我拍照。
I've always wanted a springer spaniel. - 我一直想要一隻激飛狗。
Hey, I wanted you to hear my new sound system - 嘿,我正想讓你聽聽我的新音響。
You said you wanted to be a doctor like your father. - 你說過你希望像爸爸一樣成為一名醫生。
Well, Grandpa wanted me to study engineering, like him. - 嗯 ,爺爺希望我像他一樣學工程。
I thought you wanted to go to Columbia. - 我還以為你只想上Columbia大學。
Grandpa wanted to lend us the money to buy one, - 爺爺要借給我們錢去買房子,
but I wanted this weekend to be special for you. - 但我希望這個週末對你來說很特別。
I always wanted to travel to Europe but I was afraid that language would be a problem. - 我總想去歐洲旅遊,但我又怕語言是個問題。
the one that Daddy wanted you to wear. - 爸爸要你穿的那一套。
But if you and Daddy wanted to, - 但是假如,你和爸爸想搬的話,
That is exactly what I wanted to talk to you about, Susan. - 這正是我想要跟你談的, Susan。
Oh, I just wanted to see your baby, Max. - 噢, 我只是想看看你的寶貝, Max。
Excuse me, I just wanted to compliment you on the stunning decor. - 不好意思,我只是想讚美一下你那了不起的裝飾佈置。
The area of industry you wanted to get into is already at saturation point. - 你想進入的待業已經達到飽和點了。
I've always wanted a garden like theirs. - 我總想有一座像他們那樣的花園。
Please don't take offense. I only wanted to tell you what I think. - 請別生氣,我只是想告訴你我的想法。
Because I wanted to thank you all for being kind to me while I have been here. - 是因為想對我在此工作期間大家給我的幫助表示感謝。
I wanted to say at first the tall one, or the one with blond hair. - 剛開始我會介紹說金髮的。
She told me she wanted to start a company. - 她告訴我她想開公司。
After the play was over,we all wanted to get something to eat. - 在戲完了以後,我們都想要吃一些東西。
Please don't take offense.I only wanted to tell you what I think. - 請別生氣我僅僅想要告訴你我的想法。
I asked you if you wanted some help. - 我是問你是否需要幫忙。
If I wanted to rent a van, how much would it cost? - 要是我租一輛搬運車,得花多少錢?
Sorry. But, but... I wanted to play barber. - 對不起,可是,我真的想當理髮師。
It's the kind of work I've always wanted to do. - 它是我常常想做的工作。
He that hath a full purse never wanted a friend. - 金錢滿袋,朋友盈門;錢袋裝得飽,朋友不會少。
The man wanted to fly to Rockall, a lonely island in the Atlantic Ocean, - 這個人想要飛往大西洋上的一個孤島 -- 羅卡爾島,
She wanted him to repair their grandson's bicycle! - 她叫他去修理孫子的自行車。
Dan wondered why he was wanted by the police, but he went to the station yesterday and now he is not worried anymore. - 丹奇怪警察為什麼找他,但昨天還是去了,結果他一再擔心了。
This time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter! - 這次是郵遞員,他要我簽收一封掛號信!
Every time he wanted to come into the garden he would bark until someone opened the gate. - 每當它想到花園裡來時,便汪汪叫個不停,直到有人把門打開。
As soon as he had finished, Jenny told him she wanted to go home. - 他剛一講完,珍妮就對他說她要回家。
The man obviously wanted to talk. - 這人顯然是想聊天。
She wanted to find out whether it would be comfortable to wear. - 想看穿起來是否舒服。
I had no sooner got off the ship than I was assailed by a man who wanted to sell me a diamond ring. - 我剛下船,就被一個人截住,他向我兜售一枚鑽石戒指。
He wanted to buy a $300 watch for his wife, - 他走進一家高級商店,要為妻子買一塊價值300英鎊的手錶。
But he wanted to see the old folk again and to visit my mother's grave. - 但是,他想看一看家鄉父老鄉親,為我的母親掃墓。
Then they arrived just when we wanted them. - 這樣,他們可以恰好在我們要求的時間到達。
I'll wanted to see your factory for a long time. - 好久就想來看看你們的工廠了。
Because my father wanted to work in China. - 因為我父親想要在中國工作。
Yes. He wanted you to ring him. - 留了。他要你給他打電話。
That's right! A friend gave me a photo. I wanted to show it to you. - 對!一位朋友給了我一張照片。我要拿給你看看。
She felt worried. She wanted to get ready for her party. - 她有點兒著急。她要為自己的聚會作好準備。
I wanted to get my ball. - 我是想撿回我的球。
She wanted to see the doctor because her back hurt. - 她是來倫敦看望女兒的。她要看醫生是因為背痛。
She wanted to borrow my radio. - 她想要借我的收音機。