Bulawayon. 布拉瓦約(津巴布韋西南部城市)
Bulawayo 布拉瓦約;布拉瓦約市;Bulawayo Ndola Vilanculos 毛里求斯;
1.Bantu-speaking people who live primarily around the city of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. 原居住於辛巴威布拉瓦約附近的操班圖語民族。
2.At the age of 29, Charity was about to give birth to her first child in the maternity ward at the Central Hospital in Zimbabwe's second city, Bulawayo. 在津巴布韋第二大城市布拉瓦約中心醫院婦產科病房,29歲的查裡提女士即將生下她的第一個孩子。
3.After stopping for drinks at an illegal bar, a Zimbabwean bus driver found that the 20 mental patients he was supposed to be transporting from Harare to Bulawayo had escaped. 津巴布韋一位公交車司機停車在一家非法酒吧喝了一點酒。出來後發現他車上從哈拉雷轉送至布拉瓦約的20名精神病人全跑了。