n. crybaby ,gallus gallus ,poulet ,volaillea. lily-livered ,white-livered ,yellow ,yellow-bellied
chicken['tʃikin]n. 雞肉;小雞;膽小鬼,懦夫adj. 雞肉的;膽怯的;幼小的
chicken 雞, 雛雞;小雞;孵化廠中獲取小雞;母雞;roast chicken 烤雞;烤油雞;片皮脆燒雞;燒雞;Curry Chicken 咖喱雞;咖喱雞球;咖哩雞;咖喱雞〔中菜名;braised chicken 燜雞;紅燜雞;扒雞;紅燒雞;chicken soup 雞湯;雞蓉粟米羹;雞塊湯〔西菜名;我喜歡的食物;
1.She promised to climb up the perilous peak along with us the next day,but she chickened out at the last moment. 她答應第二天和我們一道去攀登險峰,但到時候卻不敢去了。
2.Stack chicken pieces in a bowl. 把雞肉碼放在一個碗裡。
3.He roasted a chicken for dinner. 他烤了一隻雞當作晚餐。
I brought you a chicken sandwich and a glass of milk. - 我替你帶來一份 肉三明治和一杯牛奶。
You'll see the chicken house. - 你會看到雞捨。
Where's the bag with the chicken salad sandwiches? - 放雞肉沙拉三明治的袋子在哪?
I had a hamburger and a fried chicken leg? - 我吃一個漢堡包,一個炸雞腿。
Did the chicken come before the egg? - 先有雞還是先有蛋?
The chicken will be dinner. - 晚餐要吃雞肉。
I ate roast chicken for lunch yesterday. - 我昨天午飯吃的是燒雞。
Don't count your chicken before they are hatched. - 不要過早樂觀。
Though the fox run, the chicken hath wings. - 狐狸雖會跑,小雞有翅膀。
Though the fox run,the chicken hath wings. - 狐狸雖會跑,小雞有翅膀。
To tell you the truth,Mrs. Bird,I don't like chicken either! - 說老實話,伯德夫人,我也不喜歡雞。
The price we pay for cheap food may be already too high: Mad Cow Disease (BSE) in cattle, salmonella in chicken and eggs, and wisteria in dairy products. - 牛肉中的瘋牛病,雞肉和雞蛋中的沙門氏菌,奶製品中的利斯特桿菌。
Oh yes! I know she quite often eats chicken at home. - 噢,對了!我知道她在家裡常吃雞肉。
chicken fat clot; chickenfatclot; postmortem clot - 死亡血凝塊
chicken fat clot; chickenfatclot; postmortem clot - 死後血凝塊
chicken pox; chickenpox; chpx; varicella - 水痘
chicken pox virus - 水痘病毒
chicken red blood cell - 雞紅細胞
chicken tuberculosis fowl tuberculosis - 雞結核
chicken sarcoma - 雞肉瘤
chicken embryo lethal orphan virus - 雞胚胎致死性孤兒病毒
chicken breast; keeled chest; pectus carinatum; pigeon breast; pigeon chest - 雞胸
chicken breast deformity; pigeon breast deformity - 雞胸變形
chicken fat clot; chickenfatclot - 雞脂樣血塊
chicken cholera; chickencholera; fowl cholera - 雞霍亂
n.烏骨雞,烏雞 - black-bone chicken